For Once, the Joke Is on Al Franken – IOTW Report

For Once, the Joke Is on Al Franken

TownHall -There is a strong argument to be made that Sen. Al Franken’s central reason for resigning is he knew he would be reduced to being shunned by his peers and the press if he were to continue representing Minnesota in the congressional upper chamber. In short, he would have become a joke, an afterthought, a pariah, a no one.

For the egocentric Minnesotan who was courted by everyone in the Democratic Party to headline their fundraisers — both for their re-elections as well as their state party’s coffers — and fawned over for his Hollywood pedigree and admired by progressives for his notorious grilling of Republican Trump Cabinet appointees, the mere thought of being reduced to zero status in American politics was a bridge too far.

In truth, it likely repulsed him. He is a man used to being center stage, needed, wanted, catered to, fawned over and courted.

If you have any doubt to the validity of this argument, consider his speech on the floor of the Senate last Thursday during which he announced he was resigning. He never once admitted doing anything wrong. He also never said he was sorry. more

15 Comments on For Once, the Joke Is on Al Franken

  1. If Tom Davis was still alive, he’d be laughing his butt off right now.

    Not at Franken resigning, mind you – just at the thought of Al Franken actually becoming a Senator in the first place.

  2. I think this all comes down to Mr. “I’m not a real Senator, but I play one on TV” Frankenstein being a user who wuz played by a bigger bunch of users.
    You’ve done yer job, we’re done with you.
    But hey, you get a cushy retirement and free Cadillac Healthcare for the rest of yer miserable, Progressive life.
    Shut up and change yer diaper!

  3. Franken’s going nowhere. Like every suck-ass comedian he knows that the world will always welcome him, in one guise or another.
    Kneel Y’Greasy Tyrone is another such comedian, as is Bill Nye, the Shithead Guy, Al Gore the Pope of Globaloney, and some others.

    He didn’t resign at once because he’s just waiting for the initial blast to pass.

    izlamo delenda est …

  4. Can’t help but notice that the little cocksucker Stuart Smally has not yet actually resigned. What are the odds the arrogant prick will actually do it? I’m guessing 50% right now and growing with each passing day he doesn’t resign.

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