Mueller ‘Illegally Obtained’ Trump Transition Emails – IOTW Report

Mueller ‘Illegally Obtained’ Trump Transition Emails

Conservative Treehouse:

There is widespread opinion that many of the officials enlisted by Special Counsel Robert Mueller are ethically challenged.  Critics point to Mueller team members like DOJ Attorney Andrew Weissman, Jeannie Rhee and Aaron Zebley as specific examples of players within Mueller’s investigative team who have a history of gross ethics violations and also carry jaw-dropping conflicts-of-interest.

Against that backdrop, a report today about conduct by the Mueller team of investigators gains additional levels of concerns.   According to reports, in August 2017 the Mueller team went around the Trump administration in their quest for documents, by directly demanding documents from the General Services Agency (GSA); the entity that hosted the communication network for the Trump transition team.  According to reports, the content of 12 email accounts was handed over to the Special Counsels’ office; consisting of thousands of pages of transition team communication.  Innocuous, ordinary transition stuff, but the method of procurement is jaw-droppingly unethical, possibly illegal.

However, as with all things disclosed and discovered recently, CTH would caution anyone toward weighting favor or disfavor on the underlying issue.  Additionally, I would again remind everyone to look at the timelines on any new information, overlay it against prior information, and consider how the timing of the event(s) -in relation to the whole- might change the first impression.

In this case, the reported action by the SC team took place in August 2017, four or five months ago.  Inside that exact same timeline, on August 16th 2017, FBI Agent Peter Strzok and FBI Attorney Lisa Page were kicked off the Mueller team.  Coincidence? Dunno. Maybe.

Again, don’t get so stuck looking at the granules moving at your feet that you fail to notice the entire landscape around you is shifting.

CTH has already opened the portal a little further, and faster, than some would be comfortable with. It is not our intention to undermine the best round-up of usurpers in history; but rather our ongoing CTH effort is to remind everyone they are living inside history as it is being made.  Look around, this is exciting and phenomenal stuff.

Almost every intellectually honest observer has come to the opinion the ‘Muh Russian Conspiracy/Collusion Narrative’ is a complete snipe hunt; a disingenuous nothing-burger.

Further, the entire “Russian narrative” now appears to have been created to cover the tracks of a joint FBI and DOJ operation where they were conducting wiretaps and surveillance on presidential candidate Donald Trump, to gain information to the benefit of candidate Hillary Clinton.  In essence, the FBI and DOJ were weaponized.  more here

19 Comments on Mueller ‘Illegally Obtained’ Trump Transition Emails

  1. I’ve been following this story today. Sounds like Mueller just broke the law bigly. I wonder what happened to turn a Marine into a traitor. I hope DJT poses that question to him dead bang.

  2. Why is the Trump administration allowing this to continue? If the Office of the Inspector General really is building a super secret case, how long is it going to take for them to release their findings? Just in case anyone in DC cares, I’m starting to lose my patience with this.

  3. Mueller and his handpicked democrat wonder team are above the Law, just as Obama, Holder, Lynch, Comey and Hillary.

    The two tiered judicial system was in place to protect the establishment, much like the insider establishment in the House who paid-off those who alleged sexual harassment or were exposed to inappropriate sexual activity.

    It was all supposed to be under the radar, kept quiet to protect the establishment elite.

    We’ll see if Mueller is willing to trade what integrity and honor he has left in life to cover-up the collusion and corruption for his fellow elite lawbreakers.

    My bet Mueller does not possess the professionalism, integrity and honor to indict his co-elite establishment benefactors.

  4. joe6pak

    Rumor has it Trumps killing the Mueller clown parade next week. We’ll see. I’m also starting to think there’s no Fing way Jeff Sessions is this inept and he’s busier than hell preparing arrest warrants. Hey, they call me Mr. Optimistic.

  5. I’m reading Mueller cannot be fired by Trump. Has to be fired by Rosenstein. If Rosie doesn’t do it then Trump fires Rosie and installs someone who will fire Mueller and the rest of those fuckers. Why? Because Sessions recused himself. So, Trump has to find a new FBI chief and a new DOJ chief. Do it before Christmas, I need cheering up. Thanks, ever so much.

  6. Democrat motto:
    “The Ends justify the means.

    Whether it, passes unread obamacare legislation, to secret panels of intelligence agents paying for false dossiers, gun running to gain traction for gun control, destroying evidence, obstruction of justice, stonewalling FOIA requests, the IRS stonewalling and denying conservative entities 503c status and yes, even security leaks, voter fraud, fake news and propaganda.

    Look how the democrats have changed American society since the 1960s. Look at education, public Unions, bloated size of Government, the numbers of millionaires in Congress serving for decades, tax code increases, raising fees, taxes and permits, promoting division, attacking the Constitution, promoting perversion, open immigration of future welfare recipients and etc, etc..

    Nothing the socialist/progressive democrats and RINOs king makers wouldn’t do to further their all holy establishment alliance and massive corruption taking place.

  7. Sessions says those texts could be perfectly innocent, to paraphrase his comments.
    I don’t see how he can be trusted any longer. If I’m proven wrong, I’ll admit it and will also admit he’s the best actor there is, he even pulls off playing the village idiot.

    I don’t doubt at all the entire witch hunt has been illegal every step of the way. I just doubt anyone is going to do a damn thing to anyone on the team.

  8. A question for Hillary supporters:

    Either Obama, Hillary, and the lot go to jail


    The precedent is set, and Trump can use the DOJ to do his oppo research in 2020.

    Choose wisely.

  9. We at IOTWReport should come up with our own pool. There could be several variations. The one who comes up with the date closest to the actual date of the once-and-for-all OIG hammer fall, the one with the list of who gets the hammer, etc. Any takers? This could be fun, and would keep us pleasantly occupied for the next several weeks/months.

  10. I’ve often stated that politicians are a smarter class of criminals than the mafia bosses. They are more difficult to control, so societies created capitol cities as a way to trick them into known locations, where we have a better chance of keeping them under control. However, sometimes the more skillful ones get way out of control, a Hitler, Stalin, Moa, etc. And it takes a lot of lives and treasure to subdue them.

    As I read about this flood of corruption. I wondered –
    What is the percentage of top mafia bosses successfully convicted and imprisoned?

    Reasoning that whatever the % number is the conviction rate of the craftier politicians (include heads of fed gov agencies) will be lower.

    That statistic isn’t easily found.

    I did discover that the RICO law was pretty successful at taking out mafia bosses & crime families. That is – Until the 9-11 attack. When resources, & manpower were diverted to look for terrorists. Giving the mafia breathing room to rebound and expand.

    It’s quite possible the corrupt government officials were on the same path of growth before the mafia types were. Leading to this mess of corruption we are reading about everyday now.

    The grandfather of friend was an FBI guy in the 1930s, later Chief of Police in a large mid west city, in WW2 in the OSS, then the CIA. He wrote a book, Human Wolves – in which he wrote that 3 things are required for crime to flourish in a city: common criminals, corrupt businessmen, and corrupt politicians. He was no respecter of politicians that needed to be taken out. They were just another tribe of thugs to him.

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