Something is afoot in Canada – IOTW Report

Something is afoot in Canada

FOX: Canadian officials are investigating why a human foot washed ashore on Vancouver Island last week, marking the 13th foot to appear along the British Columbia coastline in the last 10 years, according to reports.

Mike Johns, 56, told CTV Vancouver Island News he was walking along the Jordan River on the southern part of the island Thursday when his dog made the stunning fund.

“She was sniffing the bones so I stopped and took a look, and I saw the bones and noticed it was attached to a shoe,” Johns told CTV.  more here

17 Comments on Something is afoot in Canada

  1. I’m sure they are trying to get to the very sole of this case, step by step, and rumor has it they are making great strides and they hope the person culpable will heel to their requests.

  2. My theory:

    The North Pacific Current flows from Japan across the Pacific Ocean to the coast of British Columbia, where it splits into the California and Alaska Currents. If a person dies at sea off the eastern coast of Japan (an incident that would most likely not be reported in the Western Hemisphere), carnivorous sea life would consume most of the body. However, shoes, which fit more tightly to the body and are more resilient than most other clothing, restrict access to the portions of the body contained in them, keeping them from being readily consumed. And with a significant portion of shoes being made from foam rubber, they become buoyant once most of the body mass has been removed. At that point, they simply travel along the North Pacific Current until they reach British Columbia.

    Some of the debris from the 2011 earthquake in Japan made its way to our coast. Why not shoes?

    BTW, the article supposed that the shoe could have belonged to someone from Alaska or Oregon. That’s not possible, since the current flows away from British Columbia to those states, not toward it.

  3. I’m sure there’s a perfectly innocent reason this is happening.
    But I cannot think what it could be.

    There are a dozen evil reasons for this.
    I can imagine and believe all of them.

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