Some Real Talk For Conservatives About 2018 – IOTW Report

Some Real Talk For Conservatives About 2018

Kurt Schlichter- We conservatives need to get our heads right about the mid-terms or liberals will end up guzzling patriot tears and their gloating will be flat-out intolerable. We’re not doomed in 2018 – I mean, it’s not like tax reform or pulling out of the Paris Climate Scam, which have already killed millions of people, including me and you. But, if we fail to get on course for victory then we’re going to see Nancy Pelosi and the Gropeocrats back in charge and trying to make America into California.

Trust me. You do not want to live in the United States of California.

So, the first step toward victory is some real talk about us normals – you know, conservatives who are more concerned with our country than with muttering about principles and trying to sell cruise cabins. We need to talk about how we’ve screwed up and how we need to change what we’re doing wrong. We got lazy after we vanquished Felonia Milhous von Pantsuit and installed what has turned out to be the most conservative president since St. Ronald. We had the House, and we had the Senate, so we relaxed. Sure, we’ve gotten some great things done, but every step has been a battle thanks to the enraged Dems, their lying media pals, and that cheesy bunch of Never Trump weasels who are motivated by rage at how we dissed them and their Conservative, Inc., cronies. The enemy is creating a sense of permanent chaos, and they intend to present themselves as a return to normality. “Vote for us liberals and everything goes back to normal,” they’ll lie. They’ll actually amp up the insanity with impeachment shenanigans and obstruction, and they’ll probably bumble their way into provoking a short and hilarious civil war.

We have to stop them, but stopping them starts with us fixing what we’re doing wrong. We can only change ourselves, so we need to do that.

Yeah, I know the Democrats are awful – don’t you read my sensational columns and follow my outstanding Twitter feed? But we’re not talking about them now.

Yeah, I know the liberal media is composed of lying creeps who to serve as Chuck Schumer’s steno pool when they aren’t awkwardly harassing the interns since they aren’t capable of winning themselves women like real men. But we’re not talking about them now.

Yeah, I know the Trumpaphobic True Conservatives™ are desperately trying to regain their power and prestige after we rejected them along with the rest of the Jeb!-loving Establishment Fredocons who never managed to conserve anything except the cash they raked in falsely promising to fight fight fight. But we’re not talking about them now.

We’re talking about us now. Let’s talk about what we did wrong. Let’s talk about what we need to change, because if we don’t change The Swamp is going to swamp us. Our opponents are motivated. They are organizing. They are targeting the weakest Republicans, and in Virginia and Alabama they snatched seats we should have kept or taken.  read more

10 Comments on Some Real Talk For Conservatives About 2018

  1. Bullsh!t.

    Schlichter contradicts himself and utterly undermines his otherwise decent article, when he goes off on a rant against Roy Moore…conveniently forgetting what he wrote about us supporting our guy and not sitting at home to let the Dems win?

    Moore was okay; as Schlichter says, you never get all you want in a candidate. But then, more contradictions: he writes, in Moore’s case, they were unforgivable qualities!

    Schlichter is starting to sound like the #NeverTrump-ers.

  2. Conservatives have repeatedly held their noses and voted for rinos. So- called moderates are the ones that not only end up being no-shows, but they the publicly announce their actions. Senators Shelby & Flake are examples of this fact.

  3. True, Kermit…and the longer “true conservatives” don’t vote for “imperfect” (R) candidates, the sooner the Dems take the House and/or Senate…AND TRUMP IS GONE.

    Happy with those “principles”?!?

  4. I read his column and came away convinced he’s a squish. He kept talking about accepting never getting all we want and that a Susan Collins is acceptable for Maine, talking about not choosing the most conservative candidate but rather the most conservative candidate that can win etc etc. The problem is not with actual conservatives but with the squishs and the never trumpers. They are liberal/facist/progressives in such good disguises that they themselves don’t realize what they are and can’t see the damage they’re doing. That’s why you need a Bannon out in the field getting the best man/woman for the job and scaring the crap out of the incumbant squishes. If the squishes, never-trumps and the rino’s actually got on board and supported conservative principles as well as this President the Democrat Party as it currently exists would either be destroyed or reduced to a extremist rump almost overnight. Then the Jack Kennedy type Democrats could begin the job of rebuilding.

  5. TO scr_north

    Fair enough, BUT: to be able to accomplish anything, you have to hold the MAJORITY in Congress. In that sense, Schlichter is right that we sometimes have to bite the bullet on individual members and keep the eye on the coming Unholy Revenge.

  6. Czar, My argument is that Kurt Schlichter should aim his complaint toward Moderates who won’t vote for Conservatives. We lost Alabama because Moderates would not stand with Conservatives against a Leftist. Flake wrote a check for Jones & Shelby told Republicans should opt for a write-in vote. If we lose the Majority it seems it will because Moderates won’t close ranks

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