Former worker claims plant hires “90% Illegal Aliens, including “10-12 Yr Old Kids” – IOTW Report

Former worker claims plant hires “90% Illegal Aliens, including “10-12 Yr Old Kids”

100% Fed Up-

[…] In 2011, Steve Salvi, the founder of Ohio Jobs & Justice PAC interviewed an Ohio worker that made some startling allegations regarding the alleged hiring of underaged illegal aliens at one of Fresh Mark’s Sugardale meatpacking plants in Canton, Ohio. In addition to outing the company for hiring underage illegal alien workers, the former Fresh Mark employee claims a veteran returned from Iraq and applied for a job at the meat processing company. The veteran was allegedly turned down until he could prove that he spoke the Spanish language.   read the rest here

12 Comments on Former worker claims plant hires “90% Illegal Aliens, including “10-12 Yr Old Kids”

  1. Tyson Foods in Arkansas, Hormel in Minnesota et al., love cheap immigrant labor. Fayetteville, AR has the largest population of Marshallese outside of the Marshall Islands. Canton, Ohio….2nd largest population of Somalis in the country.
    Blame the greedy Lutherans for a lot of this. From WND:
    The secretive pilot program between Baltimore-based Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service and the U.S. subsidiary of JBS Swift aims to pump more refugees into Georgia, Texas, Iowa and Michigan to work in the company’s meat plants. If successful, the pilot program could be renewed for a second year and replicated at JBS meat plants across the U.S., WND has learned.

  2. I worked a few years ago for a Mexican food manufacturer which had recently been purchased by a VC group. Somehow I got the HR job dumped on me in addition to the accounting job I thought I was getting. About 150 employees, 90% paid $9/hr. or less and 2/3 with no English skills. Fortunately I had a couple of interpreters in the office who were very helpful. Most of them very nice people just working to get by. I knew a lot were illegal but couldn’t really do anything about it – but my boss made sure there weren’t any more, we used E-Verify. E-Verify helps prevent hiring illegals but it doesn’t trigger calling the cops, nevertheless if every company did it then the illegals would return to their home country.
    The company no longer exists, so much for that $25 million investment by the Harvard MBAs. I don’t know the circumstances as I had already been let go, but I am guessing that the $10/hr. current minimum wage in CA didn’t help.

    There were three women we fired all at the same time, because they were harassing & violent towards their coworkers, including men. I had five individual testimonies from coworkers against each when we fired them. So of course they filed for unemployment, and I got the notifications. I wrote back to the state explaining how severe the circumstances were that warranted their firing. Didn’t matter, they still got unemployment.

  3. This goes back to the mid 90s. Conagra meat packers had nothing but illegals, all in close quarters with sides of beef flying by. They all wielded sharp knives which they frequently used on each other.
    They were a client of the software company I worked for at the time.


    During tax season, there are TONS of duplicate SSN# on tax returns. YEP! THERE ARE ALL FROM MEAT-PACKING PLANTS!

    🔥 H. Hernandez is LEGAL. It can be verified through past tax returns, cross-referenced with DMV records, spouse has legal history, even criminal database.

    🔥 A. Hernandez is NOT LEGAL. He has no history to be found in any cross-referencing platforms. He is around the same age, same home address, same SSN#, same work address as H.Hernandez.

    🔥 Do you know what procedure takes place after you find fraudulently filed identity theft documents? I’m asking. I don’t know either. My boss ignored it, “We aren’t the police, we are the IRS.”

    Nothing happens.

    🔥 *It also pisses everyone the hell off that DOCTORS insist on putting that title as part of their name. NO ONE CARES that you are a Dr. a PhD, or a DDS. It screws up the scanner and gets flagged for correction. We have to manually go in and type in their actual first name b/c the computer accepts it as “Bob” and doesn’t recognize “Dr.”
    Stupid assholes! Your REAL name is not Dr. Dave Johnson. It’s just Dave Johnson–Ok? Very impressive, but the scanner just doesn’t give a shit.

  5. You want to stop this? When ICE raids the joint the only people taken away (at first) is the HR Manager, the plant/warehose/ehatever boss, the on floor supervisor and the OWNER. Make it a “No Bail” offense and let them stew in genpop for a week surrounded by the people who couldn’t get a job because of all the illegals. Bring them out and if it’s a first offense make it probation along with an eye-watering fine. If it’s a second offense then it jail time. In the meantime start the process of removing the illegals and replacing them with Americans who want to work.


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