REPORT: Fed Agency Committed ‘Militaristic’ Operation Against Nevada Rancher – IOTW Report

REPORT: Fed Agency Committed ‘Militaristic’ Operation Against Nevada Rancher

DAILY CALLER: An investigation into the Bureau of Land Management’s (BLM) handling of the 2014 Nevada standoff with rancher Cliven Bundy revealed “incredible bias,” widespread misconduct and likely illegal actions by the BLM.


Wooten’s 18-page report discussed some of what he witnessed during his three-year investigation, such as a BLM agent’s “kill list” featuring people who had committed suicide while under investigation by the agency, BLM agents and officials referring to the Bundys as “retards” and “douche bags,” agents bragging about “grinding” a Bundy family member’s face into gravel, and lead prosecutor and Nevada’s acting U.S. Attorney Steve Myhre’s “preferred ignorance” of investigation details that would benefit the Bundys’ defense case.  READ MORE

11 Comments on REPORT: Fed Agency Committed ‘Militaristic’ Operation Against Nevada Rancher

  1. You mean the standoff that the BLM Rangers and San Diego SWAT left with their tales between their legs because some Oath Keepers got position on their snipers?
    That’s why they keep after the Bundy’s.

  2. Whatever they want, bureaucracies want to live in perpetuity. Slaughtering a bunch of cowboys on horseback in a ditch would have been like slaughtering the West itself. The Republic teetered on a ledge, you could feel it.

    Our trained and retired warriors, you know the million dollar type trained operators, could envelope, disarm and hogtie every turncoat shithead and sap every piece of equipment in the “roundup.” Destroy the dozers, copters, cut their rifles up with a chop saw, burn their tents and trailers. Then disappear into the night.

    It should have been done in Idaho. It should have been done in Waco. It should have been done in Nevada. Please don’t let the Fedzilla massacre Americans again.

  3. all of a sudden I am soooooooooo glad that Donald J. Trump is President

    if Hillary, or ANY other democRat were in charge, what happened to the Bundy’s would be a daily occurrence to ‘enemies of the state’ … aka … US citizens

  4. The Bundys are in a long line, many you’ve never heard of, including some who did not even have leased government land. If they ever decide to come after you, you’re pretty much screwed, they have an endless supply of taxpayer’s money and if you try to defend your property you go to jail for threatening a government official. They though can shoot you down in cold blood and literally get away with murder.

    Yet, we supposedly live in the land of the free.

    BTW there are some of those men and women who showed up to take a stand against them that are also being harassed by the government.

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