Voter Fraud Investigation Launched in Alabama – IOTW Report

Voter Fraud Investigation Launched in Alabama

Truth Revolt; An investigation into potential voter fraud has been launched in the Senate special election between Roy Moore and winner Doug Jones by Alabama Secretary of State John Merrill.

A random interview on Fox 10 (above) with a Jones supporter shortly after the election triggered the investigation. A man was approached by a camera and was asked by the reporter why he is so excited about Jones’s victory. The man said quite jubilantly:

“Because, we came here all the way from different parts of the country as part of our fellowship, and all of us pitched in to vote and canvas together, and we got our boy elected!”

Screeeeeech. Do what, now?

Though there is no evidence voter fraud occurred, Merrill is very curious as to who this unidentified man is and wants to know more information:  MORE

15 Comments on Voter Fraud Investigation Launched in Alabama

  1. There is democrat voter fraud in EVERY election. In many cases that is the only way they can win. Do you think they would win elections if they didn’t cheat? Why do you think they never tell the truth when they campaign? Does anyone think they would win if they said, “If elected I’m going to raise your taxes, give your money to people who won’t work, and spend every cent that’s left over for free abortions, free sex change operations and any other looney left thing that comes along”. No, it is a lot easier to just lie and count on 3-5% voter fraud to get you over the top.

  2. Nevada, too. The Hillaries were caught driving in illegals and people from California. They don’t even try and hide it, since 0bama. What was different last year was that the Dems screwed one of their own to help Hillary and they were on video bragging about it.

  3. Were the Military Votes ever counted?
    What was the result?
    Zero coverage from the Conservative media.

    Trump’s FEC needs to be all over this.
    Recruiting and busing in Out Of State voters requires a lot of social media and leaves a lot of evidence behind.

    Alabama Black turnout is reportedly 25% in non Presidential elections…but jumped to 65+% for an unknown uninspiring white guy named Jones?

    Roy Moore showed incredible toughness and resilience against the worst the Left could do.
    It would be sweet indeed to have this election overturned in a Recount.

  4. I’m reminded of LBJ’s first election to the Senate. All was lost until miraculously a box of ballots was discovered in a small town in South east Texas.

    Not only did everyone of the ballots go to LBJ giving him just the margin he needed, but the voters also lined up in perfect alphabetical order to sign the ledger and vote.

  5. What difference at this point does it make? The only result of these type of reports to to lower expectations & make people PO.

    Has any election been overturned after proving vote fraud?
    Has anyone gone to jail or the party machine been forced to pay a large fine?
    I don’t think so. Maybe some minor pawns have been sacrificed, but no Big Fish.

  6. *sigh*
    Voter fraud (and the institutional lie) undermines the concept of a Representative Republic.
    Since it undermines the very foundations of our nation, why is it not treated as the serious crime that it is?

    ALL the participants in vote fraud – the bus drivers, the paymasters, the canvassers, the organizers, the election observers – every one who enables vote fraud (and is aware) – should be put to death (after a “fair” trial, of course).

    This – AND ONLY THIS – would indicate that we are serious people who take the destruction of our country seriously and are seriously willing to eradicate that particularly serious form of serious rot.


    izlamo delenda est …

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