Trying – and failing – to explain away California’s high crime rate – IOTW Report

Trying – and failing – to explain away California’s high crime rate

California Political Review; Imagine the reaction if, after a loan officer told an applicant they would not receive a loan because of too much debt, the applicant asked “How about we just disregard 25% of my debt?”

As illogical as this sounds, it was the approach recently articulated by a group seeking to downplay the crime rate increases in California following various criminal justice “reforms.”  In a study picked up by a few newspapers, the Center on Juvenile and Criminal Justice (CJJ) opined that the crime rate statewide in California decreased following these reforms – if you excluded Los Angeles County.  Yes, Los Angeles County, where more than one out of four residents of California reside!

The propaganda espoused by proponents of these various reform measures is that crime is not really rising very much so long as it isn’t as bad as it was 30 years ago. They continue that trend with their attempt to manipulate the statewide crime rate increase by excluding more than 25% of the population.

Contrary to the line peddled by CJJ, the violent crime rate in California per 100,000 has risen since the passage of AB 109.MORE

13 Comments on Trying – and failing – to explain away California’s high crime rate

  1. This is why conservative Sheriffs are passing out carry permits as fast as they can. I’ve been carrying a gun in California for a longtime and every year that goes by I’m convinced there’s a better chance I’m going to need to use it.
    Yesterday our awesome rural county Sheriffs office busted a child sex trafficking ring. Arrest 14 people with more arrests coming. All Mex. Probably all illegal.

  2. Really there Joe? So it’s like if a tree falls in the woods and no one is there to hear it kind of statement. If a gansta does a drive by and no conservatives are around to watch the aftermath on the news….it’s all good?
    California is going to be toast and Oregon, Idaho and Colorado are going to have to deal with the exodus of upper-middle class yups who will, in turn, bring their progressive politics to bare on their new communities, only to turn it into the same sort of nightmare that they just escaped.

  3. Boy is everyone noticing in the People’s Republic of Santa Monica. And the police force’s impact is declining, although I blame the city and leadership they just aren’t getting to the scene as quickly as they used to. The metro rail has contributed a lot of crime too in the couple of years it has been running. And of course I can’t get a CCW in L.A. County.

  4. They say like 30 years ago, Well it was bad then.
    When Crime trends lower for a good period of time, that means we are Evolving to some degree as a people and need to continue.
    The last thing you want to do is Parade and Support a new wave of criminals, who will remind others how easy Crime is !

  5. Paul Harvey did much the same thing. He would play down bad inflation numbers by saying they were great if you ignore the substantial increases in gas and food prices.

  6. True federal prison stats were just released (Tucker Carlson did a segment). 20% of federal prisoners are foreign born and 90% of those are illegal. Foreign born are 7% of the general public which proves foreigners – especially illegals – are far more violent and criminal that American citizens.

    Trump said they’re sending us murderers, rapists amd drug dealers and the left went crazy but the numbers don’t lie.

  7. Exclusing the population of Los Angeles from crime rate calculations is proper because the crime rate in Los Angeles is zero if you exclude all of the people who live there. And if we further exclude the middle class and poor, everyone in California is rich. And if families have a pet, that pet is a dog because all cats are excluded. So the bottom line after all of these exclusions is that everyone in California is rich, dog owning and law abiding.

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