TSA Agents Don’t Know What The District Of Columbia Is – IOTW Report

TSA Agents Don’t Know What The District Of Columbia Is

Daily Caller: Transportation Security Administration officers continue to be confused about their nation’s capitol.

District of Columbia Del. Eleanor Holmes Norton sent a letter Tuesday to TSA Administrator David Pekoske Wednesday about a Washington, D.C. resident who had issues at the Newark International Airport with her driver’s license.

Holmes Norton said that a TSA officer denied that the I.D. was valid and had to consult with colleagues before allowing the D.C. resident to catch her flight.

“As I am sure you can imagine, it can be humiliating for a U.S. citizen to be delayed because a federal government does not recognize the name of the District of Columbia,” Del. Holmes Norton wrote in her letter.  read more

19 Comments on TSA Agents Don’t Know What The District Of Columbia Is

  1. Without doubt there are good, hard working folks in the TSA, however, the majority from the top down are low IQ idiots who are not mentally prepared, trained or the possess the skills to do what the agency requires.
    But, the government did find a way to hire the inner city, under-educated, unemployable, low income dregs of society who have failed the most basic tests for effectiveness.
    Typical government agency keeping America Safe.
    All show and no go.

  2. I had a TSA genius say my TWIC card wasn’t valid ID because it wasn’t issued by a government agency. TWIC is a picture ID, stands for Transportation Worker’s Identification Card, and is issued by the Department of Homeland Security.

  3. Ah come on you guys don’t be hard on them. Think about it “District of Columbia” is in North East USA. “Republic of Columbia” is in North West South America. ‘spect them to know all that geography shit?, when you have politicians tell you the North and South Korea are separated by “only two or three miles,” and another asshole Congressman, or is he a Senator,? wonder aloud if 8000 more Marines on the Island of Guam would cause it to capsize, “and tip over into da ocean, or da sea.” Most TSA’s that
    I ever met are low IQ. At Newark Airport some years ago they removed an NRA bullet from my key chain, because it was a “missile.”
    It had Charlton Hesston’s signature on it. Pissed me off to no end. Phuckin assholes! Have they ever yet caught a terrorist with a bomb or a gun? Bottled water is banned, so are those little balls of water that you shake and see the snow fall on Santa, something you might want to bring home as a gift to a daughter, after a week of golf in Port St.Lucie. No Go. It may be a phucking bomb. Not to worry, I don’t fly anywhere, anymore.
    Merry Christmas to all of you at IOTW.

  4. Loco – When you mention TSA taking nail clippers that brings a sad memory.
    My wife bought me a nice clipper set when we were kids, not even dating yet.
    Forty years later the stinking TSA made me leave the set because it was in my carryon bag (or miss my flight).
    How crappy.

  5. Schools quit teaching geography and civics decades ago, as far as I know.

    I haven’t flown in quite a few years and let the Passport lapse. If I can’t get there by broom stick then it isn’t worth visiting.

  6. Oh, fuck Norton.
    What’s “humiliating” about that?
    Angry? Pissed off? Yeah, but “humiliated?” No fucking way.
    Why would she (who’s a smart lady) expect anything other than imbecility from the TSA?

    izlamo delenda est …

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