Ralphie didn’t really say fudge – IOTW Report

Ralphie didn’t really say fudge

A Christmas Story.

31 Comments on Ralphie didn’t really say fudge

  1. When I was rolling in dough, I was a Duck Aholic. They are the enemy. Plus they’re tasty. Can’t remember the year, but it’s a father a daughter duck killing event in Gridley California. 25 MPH North wind, slight overcast, duck slaughtering conditions and glad to enjoy it with my little 15 year old Princess. She smoked a teal that ended up on the far side of the rice check and the dog didn’t see it. Long story short she had to trek across a flooded rice check in full length waders with the mutt trying to find that duck. It’s an extremely aerobic event. She finally got back, through her self on the rice check and exclaimed “FUCK”. The end of innocence. For me I guess.
    Same trip, we’re out of ammo. All bad. So we swing into the local turn of the century hardware store, Bremers. What a trip, for some blammo. I hear, dad, I’m not going in there looking like this. So I tell her, who the hell is up here that might know you. She jump out of the truck and we here “Young man banter” across the street. Turns out they were her high School Varsity Basket Ball team up their in Hick-ville for a Basket Ball tournament. She literally hid underneath my truck. she denies my account of those events to this day. LOL

  2. I watch just to see the way Higbee’s used to be. Mr. Jingaling, the wooden escalators, the art deco elevators. Pure nostalgia.

    Brad you sound a lot like my dad, the Sgt. Major. He bought me a single shot 12 gauge shotgun for my 12th birthday. Straight from the Monkey Ward catalog and $15. My mother said that infamous phrase ‘you’ll shoot your eye out’.

    I still have that shotgun and lots of good memories.

  3. It was probably a JC Higgins shot gun. A friend of my Dad’s had a JC Higgins 10 gauge goose gun, he said with that gun and it’s extra long barrel he’d wait till the geese were just over the horizon and then shoot them. I don’t think I believed him.

  4. Eugenia
    More about our duck club. The best times of my life. We had a husband and wife team that shot with us. Olympic Shooters. NOT FUN TO HUNT DUCKS WITH. They freaken adopt my daughter and wife at the clay pigeon range we had set up at camp. Early in duck season all the master hunters decide to tune up. First up, my daughter. No one else shot after that. Except for me. I won’t divulge how that turned out. But I will say clays are not ducks. LOL

  5. I can’t wait to watch it. Coming here in a coupla days. How many times have I been told by Mom. Aunt, Grandma. NO, YOU CAN’T HAVE ONE, YOU’LL SHOOT YOUR EYE OUT!?
    But I got one anyway, a Daisy Air Rifle. I bought it myself.

  6. Geoff C. and I wrap presents with A Christmas Story playing in the background. We assess the year’s haul by how many times the movie repeats before we’re finished. Never get tired of it! LOL!

  7. I never cursed at home. Dad was a grade A disciplinarian with gusto, if you were the one wrongly accused or not…..
    The F word.
    I had spent 2 1/2 years in the Marine Corps, at that time I had spent 15 months in VN. I extended my tour again and received 30 days free leave anywhere in the world. I chose home.

    Mom made a special dinner for me, Beef, noodles and mashed potatoes. Near the end of the meal I asked,” are there any F###in’ mashed Potatoes left? An eerie dead silence fell over the table for about 10 seconds that seemed like eternity, I slumped in my chair realizing what I had done. Mom passed the potatoes without comment. After dinner Dad took me out to the garage, I was thinking, Oh shit, the boxing gloves….but instead he plainly stated, “I see you’ve learned a few new words in the Marine Corps?” I said, “yes, sir.” He said, “watch your vocabulary at home.” Again I said, “Yes, Sir”. I was so ecstatic I didn’t have to spar with Dad, I went inside and apologized to Mom.

  8. I tried watching the live version on tv this year.
    I made it about five minutes. It was painful.
    The cast in the movie can’t be bettered.
    At the request of my kids, we started staying home for Christmas. The first year we surprised them with Chinese food while we watched, ” A Christmas Story”.
    They loved it.

  9. And then poor Ralphie after decoding the message on his secret Little Orphan Annie decoder ring muttered to himself, crummy commercial and threw the decoder ring in disgust. Outside of The Princess Bride, this is the most quoted from movie with my kids still. We can hardly wait to introduce my Granddaughters Dylan and Esther to this when they get to be a little older.

  10. I read the book upon which the movie was based back in the 80s. It’s been out of print for a long time. It was written by Jean Shepard and contained other stories as well. Wish I could find it again.

  11. A Christmas Story slipped my notice for a couple years after its release. It is now my favorite movie at this time of the year, edging out the Shirley Temple and Jimmy Stewart classics.
    Chinese take-out for Christmas dinner has become a family tradition.

    Faw ra ra ra ra, ra ra ra ra!

  12. “A Christmas Story” is so real American and manly, not girlymanly, the phuckin’ progs must hate it. I love it and I will watch it at least three times in the 24 hours of the Christmas showing. Beats watching the fake news.

  13. My younger brother & I are both Christmas babies. I was born on the 26th, he was born three years later on the 24th.

    One day we decided we were old enough to use the S-word in front of the grow ups & get away with it. We did. Until we used it Pawpaw’s presence. He said, “You just just had something in your mouth I wouldn’t want to hold in my hand.” The result – I never made a habit of using the S-word. However, other fudge-words were in regular use for many years. No so much any more. Now days it’s mostly reserved for expressing my opinion about a stubbed toe barefoot in the dark when someone leaves something in the hallway that shouldn’t be there.

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