Chicago PD says Facebook was no help in takedown of online gun and drug ring – IOTW Report

Chicago PD says Facebook was no help in takedown of online gun and drug ring

FOX: Chicago police say they received no help from Facebook while they were investigating an invitation-only page that was used to facilitate the sale of drugs and weapons.

The criticism came on Thursday, after the Chicago Police Department announced the arrests of more than 50 people who were said to have used an invite-only group page to run guns and narcotics, according to The Chicago Tribune.

“Facebook has a responsibility to the people that they serve to ensure that these types of things don’t go on,” police Superintendent Eddie Johnson said during a news conference on Thursday. “And quite frankly, they haven’t been very friendly to law enforcement to prevent these things.”  read more

6 Comments on Chicago PD says Facebook was no help in takedown of online gun and drug ring

  1. Fakebook is how I thought of it in the beginning, as droves of Fake people were scrounging out their new – Fake Identities on it.
    Evidently some folks were finding more profitable thing to do with Fencebook !

  2. FB has several sale groups, if you ever list any kind of gun, even if it’s a bb gun they will remove that post in no time and send you a snarky message that you’re violating their community standards. Try to sell an animal and the same result. As a matter of fact they have shut down many farm group pages. Yet, they allowed a page like this?

  3. Did the Shitcago PD ask FB for help? Did the Shitcago PD issue a warrant to FB requesting certain information? OR (most likely) did the Shitcago PD just ASSUME that the information was going to just fall from the sky on unicorn wings if they just wished hard enough?

  4. Fake news. Misdirection.
    I suspect Chicago did receive info from Facebook after a request.
    They’re just covering Facebook’s backside so the thugs will continue selling drugs and guns via facebook.

    Not that I don’t trust Chicago Police !

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