Here Are The Senators Who Voted To Shut Down The Government Before Christmas – IOTW Report

Here Are The Senators Who Voted To Shut Down The Government Before Christmas

Daily Caller; The Senate approved a short-term spending plan to keep the government open Thursday but not without nearly a third of the chamber dissenting for various reasons.

The funding bill, called a continuing resolution, keeps the government open through mid-January. The legislation needed at least 60 votes and passed by 66 votes, with 32 nays and two senators not voting. That’s double the 14 Democrats who dissented against the temporary spending bill two weeks ago.

Most of the nay votes were from Democrats who are desperate to deal with immigration issues. During a caucus meeting Thursday, Democratic Rep. Luis Gutiérrez of Illinois criticized Schumer for not caring about the future of Deferred Action For Childhood Arrivals (DACA), and for “throwing them under the bus,” the Washington Post reports.

Schumer, who voted no on the spending bill, issued an ultimatum to the GOP that his party would not vote for anything more than a short term bill until Congress addresses immigration and wider domestic spending issues. He also mentioned that the $81 billion emergency spending bill the House passed Thursday would not go forward until the Senate addressed other issues.

“We’re not going to allow things like disaster relief to go forward without discussing some of these other issues we care about,” Schumer said. “We have to solve these issues together.”


Two Republican Senators — Mike Lee of Utah and Rand Paul of Kentucky — joined the dissenting votes for the spending bill. The spending bill again waived rules that would have mandated steep cuts to Medicare and other entitlement programs, which Paul didn’t want to see happen.

“Do federal deficits matter?” Paul asked.   Here are all the “nay” votes:

15 Comments on Here Are The Senators Who Voted To Shut Down The Government Before Christmas

  1. Schumer supports stopping disaster relief to American families and businesses. Those 10s of thousands impacted by hurricanes, flooding and the fires in California are being held hostage until something is done for unlawful foreign illegal aliens.

    Schumer and the democrats are willing to sacrifice American’s needs for those who are here illegally against the law of the land.

    Politics over American needs. The democrats have no intent to Make America Great Again. They’ll not be happy until the US is a third world country.

  2. Doesn’t matter how subversive democrats voted. Pelosi does not have the mental capacity to see who voted or how. Schumer is going to habitually and dishonestly accuse republicans of voting ‘no.’ The MSM will automatically report what those two idjuts said. Half of Americans will believe the MSM.

  3. The hypocrisy is breath-taking!
    Have we (the Senate) forgotten so soon?

    We are over $20Trillion in Debt!
    We have over $220Trillion in “unfunded liabilities!”
    Western Europe is on a knife-edge of fiscal disaster.
    All it takes is for one of those shit-hole countries to say “We’re not playing this stupid game any longer” for THAT whole house of cards to collapse.

    And the Senate plays “I’ll pull your dick if you promise to pull mine!”

    Lee and Paul have fiscal sense but can’t seem to get a people who love to bathe in mendacity to understand their actual situation.

    “I’ll think about THAT tomorrow!”

    Soon as President Trump offers the Demonrats another scam “infrastructure” program (like that shit-show we got under Obola), to plunder at will, they’ll back him 100%.

    izlamo delenda est …

  4. Cato has the right of it.
    In order to provide federal funds and legal status to the offspring of lawbreakers who trespass, and commit identity fraud, the Democrats are willing to suspend disaster relief for actual Citizens of this country.
    If Lazlo had a time machine, I would go back and fetch Andrew Jackson and show him what ‘Cryin’ Chuck Schumer’ said.
    Then he wouldn’t be ‘Cryin’ Chuck Schumer’ anymore. He’d be: ‘Gibbering mass of cane welts Schumer’

  5. It would be fun to dig up the quotes from some of the same dimocrats back when the republicans and W “shut down the government” back when he (W) was president. All the whining about the poor, and seniors were going to die, bla, bla, bla.

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