Limbaugh rips Brokaw a new one for saying Fox News ‘on a jihad’ to defend Trump – IOTW Report

Limbaugh rips Brokaw a new one for saying Fox News ‘on a jihad’ to defend Trump

Tom Brokaw Says Fox News ‘on a jihad’ to defend Trump, empathizes with Shepard Smith.

[That’s weird, I don’t recall FOX being pro-Trump, do you?]

Limbaugh NUKES Brokaw: Fox News Is Only Place Where TRUTH Of The Russian Investigation Is Reported.

16 Comments on Limbaugh rips Brokaw a new one for saying Fox News ‘on a jihad’ to defend Trump

  1. “Trump watches Fox News because it reinforces what he already believes”

    There you have it from Tom Brokaw. News is a “belief”.

    All you have to do is listen to what the accuse the right of doing to understand what they do and think.

  2. That’s odd, Tom doesn’t realize the entire MSM has been on a jihad to destroy Trump ever since Trump announced he was running. But Brokaw sees something wrong with FOX? Brokaw’s had his head up Obama’s ass so long he’s caused brain damage from lack of oxygen.

  3. Tom’s thinking is right in line with the other stooges in his profession. He has all the credibility of Walter Cronkite and Dan Rather.It took him retiring to finally allow his biased opinions to reach full flower. What a f*cking imbecile.

  4. I remember in the early 1970s while stationed at LAAFS, when he and Tom Snyder were local news guys on KNBC. He seemed to be good on that local role, but was being groomed by NBC for the big time.

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