Tucker Carlson’s List Of 100 Things The Left Claimed Were “Racist” In 2017 – IOTW Report

Tucker Carlson’s List Of 100 Things The Left Claimed Were “Racist” In 2017

American Lookout: The American left thinks pretty much everything is racist and this proves it. Tucker Carlson tweeted out 100 different things progressives claimed were racist in 2017. It’s an amazing list.

Here’s part of it:

We live in revolutionary times. Wild things happened in 2017, and they’ll keep happening next year. In these dangerous political times, it’s important you know what is and is not racist. So, we made a list for you. Let us begin.

1. Tamarisk trees in Palm Springs, California.


2. The ice cream truck song.

3. Credit scores.

The entire list,  here

14 Comments on Tucker Carlson’s List Of 100 Things The Left Claimed Were “Racist” In 2017

  1. With apologies to Joyce Kilmer and the poem Trees, Oh, there is nothing more I’d like to see than a watermelon tree. A watermelon tree decorated with fried chicken and Colt 45 malt liquor bottles and hookers dangling from hooker poles, what a treat for those dumb ass proles….

  2. This area for writing my comment on this site is also racist.
    Note how the space is white! The letters are small, black and insignificant.
    I could write and write and write and write, and there will always be more white in this space than black. There will never be parity. The black will never achieve grayness. It will remain in the minority forever
    Thanks for creating a another small place in this world where once again, the blacks can never find equality.
    Now if I spell a word wrong the software puts a red snake under my word. My Black word.
    What racist Overseer gets to decide what is an actual word and what is an ancestral vocalization, not designed to identify as white grammar?
    I can write the racist white name Steve. See? No red snake.
    Now I type Jonquinisha, or LeDarell, I get a red snake every time, that’s as racist as a white guy having good credit.
    It gets worse…
    The White Boss Men know how persons of color react to snakes, especially red snakes. That makes this open slur dangerously racist, the equivalent to burning a cross on someone’s lawn, or even saying the ‘N’ word when not identifying as black.
    But sadly, true to the racist nature of all things America, the software patronizes persons of color and those who are spelling challenged by taking out the red snakes when the text appears on the site.
    As if to say: “Its all right, the white hegemony forgives you.”
    How much more can we, as a society be asked to bear?

  3. Whatshisname and I are so sick of being branded as RACISTS, just for fun (as an inside joke) we made an overt political statement with our outdoor Christmas lights this year… all white in the front, colored in the back! Guaranteed to melt any observant snowflakes!

    No one noticed!!! 🤣

  4. The left are such morons. By calling so many things “racist” they have watered down the meaning of the word. And because of this their efforts have had the opposite effect of their intentions. Same thing goes with their “gender identity” agenda. They are hanging themselves with their own rope. Nobody stop them.

  5. You’re looking at it entirely in the wrong light. Everything and everyone is racist, unless they have been declared non racist on three separate occasions by three non racist persons, Are we clear?

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