Dredging Up Ted Kennedy’s Statements To Police – IOTW Report

Dredging Up Ted Kennedy’s Statements To Police

American Thinker: Teddy’s description of the Chappaquiddick “accident” was enough to convict him of involuntary and voluntary manslaughter and reckless endangerment.

Today you can add homicide by vehicle while intoxicated, a mandatory three-year prison term in most states.

The facts are simple.  Kennedy drove fast, probably drunk, off a bridge at about 11:30 P.M.  The pond was only about six feet deep.  The front end of the car was angled down.

Kennedy walked away, went to his hotel, and waited until the next morning to report to the police.  The car was discovered by two boys fishing in the morning.  The boys, unlike Teddy, went to a nearby house to report the car in the water.  Had Teddy done this instead of leaving, Mary Jo Kopechne probably would have been saved.

Kennedy spent the night at his hotel room drying out so there would be no alcohol in his system, and to fabricate with his fixers the statement he gave the police.  During the time Kennedy was at his hotel with his fixers, Mary Jo died from suffocation.

It was negligence to drive too fast and off the road while drunk, which is involuntary manslaughter.  But it was far more criminal to leave her in the car for eight or more hours, without calling for help, which may get into voluntary manslaughter and reckless endangerment.  Kennedy had to explain why he waited almost eight hours to report to the police and had to explain why he left Mary Jo in the car.

The substance of the statement concocted by Kennedy and his fixers is that it took him until morning to realize what happened, and he did not know that Mary Jo was in the car when he left the pond.  read more

27 Comments on Dredging Up Ted Kennedy’s Statements To Police

  1. The author’s fisking is good, but leaves out 1 obviously mitigating statement by Kennedy, and one complete lie.

    “I went back to where my friends were ‘eating.”
    Did he mean pu$$y? Because they were DRINKING, not eating.

    Also, no one drove him back to Edgartown. There are no bridges. Thus the ferry.

  2. This is why Good™ people hold up “Rapefugees Welcome!” signs at the airports. New™ Americans are just… so… precious(?). So, for our New™ American friends, who might come from staid Rule of Law™ places… like Somalia… here’s a pro tip: No matter how many witnesses; no matter how yuge a financial paper trail; no matter how many videos; no matter how many prole bodies; it’s only a crime if The Party says it’s a crime. No prosecutor to prosecute? Then no crime has been committed. So, no, my New™ American friend: If Ted Kennedy had beaten that prole to death… on a public street… in front of witnesses… who videoed it… and posted the videos in public, for all the proles to see… Teddy still wouldn’t be charged. So no crime was committed. Today. Just like 2014. Just like 1969. Same as it ever was.

  3. All of this was revealed in 1988. “Senatorial Privilege/ The Chappaquiddick Cover-Up,” By Leo Damore.
    But the people of Massachusetts- The People’s Republic of Massachusetts- kept the bastard in office anyway.
    The book is a blood boiling read. Just listen to how the scumbag was eulogized by McCain, Kerry, Obama and their ilk on youtube.
    Keep the vomit bag handy.

  4. The records were sealed for fifty years. Nothing ever happened to the animals who helped him get away with this atrocity. He was, and still is, a hero to the leftist kooks.

  5. From “Senatorial Privilege.”
    “To his dying day, George Killen, former State Police Detective-Lieutenant, was rankled by Chappaquiddick. Failure to bring that case to a satisfactory resolution was, he lamented, “the biggest mistake” of a long and distinguished police career. Two months before his death in 1979, Killen decried the injustice of Chappaquiddick; Senator Kennedy, he said, “killed that girl the same as if he put a gun to her head and pulled the trigger.”

  6. The upcoming movie will keep chipping away the disgusting eulogizing of the Kennedy scum. Not just the family, but all their hangers-on and enablers. Everyone who created the circle of lies and alibis. May they never grace the halls of Congress or any state house ever again.

    The same thing should happen to Clintons and to all their enablers. Their body count is way up in the double digits.

  7. My old Computer had a ton of the original iotw Report Teddy

    artwork ..(Aquarium car, baby teds etc.) but it gave up the ghost

    after multiple drink miscues (like Teddy)

    But…I remember I posted a lot of them on My boating blog..

    I’ll look and see…plus My all time favorite

    “Joe Biden heading out to the Surf with an ironing board”

  8. @Manbearpig. It was put out, but ignored by the MSM. If Kennedy was a Republican he would have been strung up by the balls.
    Nothing has changed. That’s why President Trump is detested by the very same tripe who called Kennedy “The Lion of the Senate.”

  9. That pig is buried in the hallowed
    ground of Arlington. That’s about
    the only reason I haven’t taken the
    hour drive with a six pack and filled
    bladder to leave him a present.

  10. @Moe Tom ~ it’s because that august body of gubmint, Congress, passed a law that said if you were a member of Congress …. & served, at all, in the military you could be buried at Arlington …. scumbag Teddy & his whole rotten ‘clan’ couldn’t resist sticking it to deserving military One More Time … disgusting POS

  11. That issue alone kept him from defeating Carter. Had it not happened he would have kicked the Peanut Farmer’s ass. Carter was a disaster, Kennedy wouldn’t have been any better.

  12. Lived on the vineyard for a while – lots of locals will tell you teddy had to get the LSD out of his system before facing the public. Lived on the upper east side in the ’90’s – personally saw this fat POS old man pick a fight with a drunk at a bar called American Trash.

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