Nikki Haley Announces $285 Million Reduction to U.N. Funding – IOTW Report

Nikki Haley Announces $285 Million Reduction to U.N. Funding

Breitbart: Nikki Haley, United States Ambassador to the United Nations (U.N.), announced Sunday night that the federal government has reduced its contribution to the U.N.’s annual budget by 285 million dollars.

The Christmas Eve statement reads in full:

Today, the United Nations agreed on a budget for the 2018-2019 fiscal year. ‎Among a host of other successes, the United States negotiated a reduction of over $285 million off the 2016-2017 final budget. In addition to these significant cost savings, we reduced the UN’s bloated management and support functions, bolstered support for key U.S. priorities throughout the world, and instilled more discipline and accountability throughout the UN system.

“The inefficiency and overspending of the United Nations are well known. We will no longer let the generosity of the American people be taken advantage of or remain unchecked. This historic reduction in spending – in addition to many other moves toward a more efficient and accountable UN – is a big step in the right direction. While we are pleased with the results of this year’s budget negotiations, you can be sure we’ll continue to look at ways to increase the UN’s efficiency‎ while protecting our interests,” said Ambassador Haley.

26 Comments on Nikki Haley Announces $285 Million Reduction to U.N. Funding

  1. And she says to me she says “tell me I’m wrong” and I says “I can’t, because you’re not!”.

    Relocate the UN to Terahan so the delegates can makes their speeches about human rights violations in the US as they enjoy the rich party life and atmosphere in the Islamic Republic of Iran.

  2. The current “assessment” of the US to the UN is $3 billion – more than 185 “least-assessed” countries COMBINED. We can do better than $285 mil/ -MUCH better!
    The UN has been co-opted by scoundrels, much the same way congress has.

  3. @Texson – I used my credit card and it’s on my permanent record, but I don’t care. ‘They’ know way too much about us anyway. I thought of going off the grid . . . too much work. Just login and visit and the hell with it! Merry Christmas!

  4. Put that money towards FEDERAL STUDENT LOANS!

    If they are not rioting Antifa jerkholes, ZERO-OUT some of the loans, and the Bernie supporters will be shatting bricks of joy all over the place. Besides, students put money back into the economy faster with jobs and no debt, so it may balance out anyway.

  5. Just cut to the chase and use Turtle Bay for bombing practice after giving 48 hour notice to vacate the damn premises. I had enough of the UN back in grade school and that was almost fifty years ago.

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