Man Who Sent Manure to Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin Identified as Child Psychologist – IOTW Report

Man Who Sent Manure to Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin Identified as Child Psychologist

Breitbart: The person who sent Secretary of the Treasury Steven Mnuchin a box of manure in response to President Donald Trump’s tax reform has been identified as Dr. Robert Strong, a psychologist for the Los Angeles Department of Children’s Health.

Dr. Strong proudly claimed credit for the prank after sending the suspicious package, which caused panic in Mnuchin’s Bel Air neighborhood on Saturday and forced the Los Angeles Police Department to send in its bomb squad on the holiday weekend.

It turns out the package was not just addressed to Secretary Mnuchin himself but also to the president — although Dr. Strong incorrectly wrote “Mrs. Mnuchin,” which could refer to the secretary’s wife, who has become a target of hatred for her ostentatious displays of wealth. (The proper plural of “Mr.” is “Messrs.”, derived from French.)

“What I did, I would like to compare to what Jesus did when he went into the temple and overturned the tables of the moneychangers, who were exploiting the people financially in the name of religion. I feel like that’s what the GOP has done to the American people,” Strong told Southern California Public Radio.  more

SNIP: Why is it that the crazy left always drags ‘The American People’ into their insane schemes?

28 Comments on Man Who Sent Manure to Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin Identified as Child Psychologist

  1. The SS paid him a visit. I want his ass fired! He’s not only a threat to children, but to the general public! They’ll find a way to prosecute him. He actually followed through on a material thread. They’ll make an example out of him.

  2. Why is it that the crazy left always drags ‘The American People’ into their insane schemes?

    It’s a form of projection. They fantasize that everyone else has the same kind of derangement that they do themselves. They lack the perception to see that the real world around them is filled with people who deal with that real world as it is and not as they wish it to be.

    It’s either that or frustrated cargo cultism.

  3. There is no comparison between what Jesus did in whipping the moneychangers and this idiot sending a package full of manure to the Sec. of the Treasury. Did he send send it via the postal service or UPS or FedEx and if he did how come someone didn’t smell it. He would’ve been better off if like an idiot kid he ran up to Mnuchin’s front porch with a large bag of dog poo and rang the doorbell, lighting the poo on fire and running like hell to get away. This idiot needs to dealt with strongly (pun intended) and never allowed near children ever again.

  4. He should be made the next recipient of the Hu Flung Poo award given out to morons like him. What is this, a bad stunt from Jackass, Kentucky Fried Movie, The Groove Tube or Porky’s pulled off by an immature bunch of dumbass kids who don’t know better? As Bugs bunny used to say, What a maroon or what an imbessill.

  5. “a psychologist for the Los Angeles Department of Children’s Health.”
    This is pretty much all that bureaucrats do to the rest of us too, send out loads of sh!t. Fire them all.

  6. Reminds me of a smelly package we got one Christmas.
    My Uncle George owned a dairy farm in WI, he sold his milk to a cheese manufacturer forever.
    Every year he would send a 10 kilo wheel of cheese for Christmas, yes, that’s a lotta cheese.
    Different kinds, this was aged brick, translates to stinky cheese. We got a notice from the PO that they had a package that had broken open and was spoiled.
    It was so bad they had stored it in a old mail truck out back.
    My mother and I went to pick it up. The employees were incredulous when she said everything was OK, I picked it up and we walked out.
    We joked about that for years at Christmas.
    I love cheese, stinkier the better.

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