New York Times Admits That Embassy Move Didn’t Lead To Mass Violence – IOTW Report

New York Times Admits That Embassy Move Didn’t Lead To Mass Violence

Daily Caller: President Donald Trump’s decision to move the U.S. embassy to Jerusalem hasn’t lead to the violence predicted by many in the media, according to a Saturday report in The New York Times.


While editorial boards and cable news talking heads blasted the supposed reckless decision (even a Times editorial published right before the president’s announcement said the move would raise “new tension in the region” and could incite “violence”), instead a “mood of hopeless resignation” overshadows the Palestinians.

“With residents neither basking in seasonal cheer nor raging in the throes of a new intifada, the popular mood in the city was more one of hopeless resignation,” the article reads.

There are still some smaller protests on the streets of Gaza, but the general peace of the region directly contradicts the apocalyptic fears espoused by so many in the days following Trump’s executive order.

“Yet, despite the dire predictions of major turmoil, and the best efforts of both Fatah and Hamas to mobilize the masses, so far there has been no large-scale, spontaneous outburst of violence in the wake of the president’s declaration,” The Times writes.

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7 Comments on New York Times Admits That Embassy Move Didn’t Lead To Mass Violence

  1. It wasn’t a prediction – it was a call to arms – and nobody showed up.

    “What if you gave a War and nobody came?”

    Maybe even the dregs of civilization don’t feel like dying for the shit-stains at the New Yauk Times.

    izlamo delenda est …

  2. POTUS DJT should forthwith issue an Executive Order requiring all embassies of the 128 countries move from Washington DC to northern Idaho or North Dakota no later than 6 months from date of execution (preferably on roads not plowed in the winter).

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