Child Bride Tortured, Forced to Eat Dog’s Leftovers – IOTW Report

Child Bride Tortured, Forced to Eat Dog’s Leftovers

Geller Report: A child bride in Afghanistan was tortured by her Muslim husband — and forced to eat the leftovers in the dog dish, according to new reports.

The girl, Gul Hazar, was only 12 years old when she suffered the horrendous conditions.

The Islam practice of marrying young girls is both horrific and common, as this video from 2013 shows. So Hazar is hardly alone. But her story, reported by (hat tip The Religion of Peace), is horrific, just the same.

New distressing reports have emerged regarding the violence against a child bride in Afghanistan sending shocking across the country as violence against women remain a critical issue in various remote parts of Afghanistan.

The child bride, Gul Hazar, who is now believed to be only 12-years-old now has disclosed the miseries she has faced since she got married.

Gul Hazar says she has faced various types of tortures from her in-laws family members who have on certain occassions attempted to murder her.  MORE HERE


7 Comments on Child Bride Tortured, Forced to Eat Dog’s Leftovers

  1. Yea, We need those people over
    here to “inrich our culture”.
    Send some American feminazi & snowflake
    college girls over there for a year and
    I bet they won’t hate backwards,dark,MAGA
    style intolerant America any more…

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