ISIS has lost 98 percent of its territory — mostly since Trump took office, officials say – IOTW Report

ISIS has lost 98 percent of its territory — mostly since Trump took office, officials say

FOX: ISIS has lost 98 percent of the territory it once held — with half of that terror group’s so-called “caliphate” having been recaptured since President Trump took office less than a year ago, U.S. military officials said Tuesday.

The massive gains come after years of “onerous” rules, when critics say the Obama administration “micromanaged” the war and shunned a more intensive air strategy that could have ended the conflict much sooner.

“The rules of engagement under the Obama administration were onerous. I mean what are we doing having individual target determination being conducted in the White House, which in some cases adds weeks and weeks,” said retired Air Force Lt. Gen. David Deptula, the former head of U.S. Air Force intelligence. “The limitations that were put on actually resulted in greater civilian casualties.”

But the senior director for counterterrorism in former President Barack Obama’s National Security Council pushed back on any criticism the former president didn’t do enough to defeat ISIS.  read more

10 Comments on ISIS has lost 98 percent of its territory — mostly since Trump took office, officials say

  1. It pains me to think where the Middle East could have been with a real man in the White House as the 44th President of the United States for eight, long years, with real drive and determination to rid them of this dangerous element called ISIS and make tangible improvements rather than ushering in the muzlum bruthahood, deposing leaders in control (nutty as they might have been), fanning the fires of hatred, division and wasting money left and right on promoting nothing but chaos! The Øbamboozler was worse than a curse for the Middle East and our country!

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