Tim Kaine’s Son Sentenced to Probation Over Post-Trump Rally Arrest – IOTW Report

Tim Kaine’s Son Sentenced to Probation Over Post-Trump Rally Arrest

FOX: Senator Tim Kaine’s (D-Va.) youngest son was sentenced to probation and fined Thursday after he was arrested following an anti-Trump protest at the Minnesota State Capitol.

Linwood “Woody” Kaine, 25, was fined $236 and given a year of probation after several protesters disrupted a pro-Donald Trump rally in March, according to the Richmond Times-Dispatch.

Woody Kaine was not involved in the actual disruption and was not charged in connection with any disruptive behavior.

As the Associated Press reported:

Linwood “Woody” Kaine, 25, of Minneapolis, was among eight people arrested in the St. Paul rally in March. He pleaded guilty to a charge of obstructing the legal process and received a 90-day sentence, with 86 days suspended. He served four days in jail.

A criminal complaint said Kaine and others changed into black clothing during the rally and entered the Capitol. The complaint said Kaine was among those who ran away and resisted arrest. read more

19 Comments on Tim Kaine’s Son Sentenced to Probation Over Post-Trump Rally Arrest

  1. It’s good to see the two tiered judicial system covers the offspring of the establishment elite.

    I mean what good comes from being a US Senator if you can’t call in a few preferential favors for your destructive, anarchist son.

  2. @ Different Tim
    “Your offspring says a lot about you as a parent. Your parenting says a lot about you as a person.”
    I sincerely hope not!
    That said, I cannot stomach Mr. Kaine, but it does not read as though Woody received any special consideration. If every douche bag was taken to the mast, the flogger would die of exhaustion…..

    “Speaking the truth in times of universal deceit is a revolutionary act.” Geo. Orwell

  3. REMEMBER DAVID KERNELL? Who hacked Sarah Palin’s email account and was charged? (Father was Democrat Tennessee lawmaker)

    The obstruction of justice charge stems from an allegation by the FBI that Kernell attempted to erase evidence of the crime from his hard drive.

    So a 20 year old kid gets charged, but Hillary Clinton gets away with it.

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