Berlin’s New Year’s Eve Safe Zones To Protect Women From Refugee Rapists – IOTW Report

Berlin’s New Year’s Eve Safe Zones To Protect Women From Refugee Rapists

Lid Blog: The city of Berlin is taking extra precautions to protect female New Year’s Eve celebrants this year because of the fear of another wave of rapes by the Muslim refugees.

During the 2015/2016 New Year’s Eve celebrations in Germany, there was a barrage of sexual assaults, 24  rapes, in Cologne. There were similar incidents at the public celebrations in Hamburg, Dortmund, Düsseldorf, Stuttgart, and Bielefeld. Throughout Germany, police reported, that 1,200 women were sexually assaulted and estimate that at least 2,000 men were involved, acting in gangs.

The incidents involved women being surrounded and assaulted by groups of men on the street Police reported that the perpetrators were men of “Arab or North African appearance” and said that Germany had never experienced such mass sexual assaults before.

Last year, there were still assaults throughout the country but thankfully not as many 2015/2016.

Based on the last two years, police in Berlin have taken extra precautions for the 2017/2018 celebration by setting up a safe zone for women:

Up to a million guests are expected to attend the open-air event taking place around Berlin’s iconic Brandenburg Gate, featuring fireworks and pop acts such as Rednex and Whigfield this year.

The women’s safety area is being established at the request of Berlin police. The tent will be set up near a plaza adjacent to the landmark tourist attraction, and manned by German Red Cross representatives.

“There will be three to four (German Red Cross) helpers who are specially trained and can look after women who feel harassed or threatened,” a spokesperson for the celebrations, Anja Marx, told German national broadcaster rbb.  read more

14 Comments on Berlin’s New Year’s Eve Safe Zones To Protect Women From Refugee Rapists

  1. let the refugees go to the party and rape each other. legitimate, law abiding berliners should just stay home and safely celebrate with their families and let their local Arschloch gov leaders cleanup after the rapefugee farm animals the next day.

  2. So what happens when the “men of arab or north African appearance” find out that the Jerries have conveniently corralled the unter-frauleins in one place? What could possibly go wrong?

  3. So, let me get this right; the ‘safe zone’ set up by the Red Cross, in a plaza adjacent to the center of activity, the Brandenburg Gate. So, a woman feeling endangered or an actual victim of savage rape, possibly by a gang of perpstrators, must make her way through the crowds, many of whom will be drunk, against the music and the dancing, singing, shouting crowd, to get to the ‘safe zone’.

    Yep, they have it covered. What could possibly go wrong?

  4. If you are females and live in one of those cities, it would be in your best interests to NOT go out partying on New Year’s eve. If the citizens down like having muslims groping and raping their women in gangs, then maybe they should grow some balls and start stomping some muddles in some muslim asses. But I guess that’s too much to expect from the castrated males of Germany…hell, Europe.

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