Pakistan, You’re cut off! – IOTW Report

Pakistan, You’re cut off!

GP:The Trump administration announced on Friday it will not be sending military aid totaling $255 million to Pakistan.

The monetary aid was denied to the Pakistan government in response to its ineffective action against terrorists and militants on its soil.
The Hindustan Times reported:

The Trump administration on Friday announced the United States will deny Pakistan military aid amounting to $255 million as it expects Islamabad to take decisive action “against terrorists and militants on its soil”.

“The United States does not plan to spend the $255 million in FY 2016 in Foreign Military Financing for Pakistan at this time,” said a spokesperson of the President’s National Security Council in a statement to Hindustan Times.

“The President has made clear that the United States expects Pakistan to take decisive action against terrorists and militants on its soil, and that Pakistan’s actions in support of the South Asia Strategy will ultimately determine the trajectory of our relationship, including future security assistance.

“The Administration continues to review Pakistan’s level of cooperation.”  more

40 Comments on Pakistan, You’re cut off!

  1. That’s nice, but guess who pushes around Washington a helluva lot more?
    How about the State of California… to the tune of 60 BILLION!
    Now you cut those bastards off and let them wallow in their self-imposed debt and you’ll really be doing something to get my attention!
    Maybe… just maybe they’ll come around to appreciate how much the rest of the country does for them.
    I’m not expecting much, but it’s a nice thought.
    Meanwhile, fuck ’em if they can’t take a joke!
    I’m tired of funding their Leftist fairyland.

  2. @ Lorreta in Indiana isn’t so much that Hussein was playing golf. Is that he was 100 percent with the Muslim so he wasn’t going to go again then. He is a Muslim . Some of the Hussein people saying that trump playing golf but what the idiots aren’t saying that the golf course belong to him . Put Hussein was using we the people money for golf. Trump is doing the job that Hussein Obama didn’t care to do

  3. Hussein claim today in tweet that the world is in a bad places today because of trump. Someone please tell this Muslim fag to move to Kenya if he she don’t like it because we the people are loving it . He and mooch and gorilla kids are in Hawaii with fat pig O F and girl friend G . Talking crap about my trump.

  4. @Mr. AR ~ uh, airplanes?

    the real problem will be PauuuuuKeeStawn will run to China for aid … that’s how they got their nukes, if I’m not mistaken (big ‘if’! :-P)

  5. The Rat Fink December 30, 2017 at 6:22 pm

    BTW – That’s 60 BILLION every fucking year!!

    I agree Rat Fink and I live here in California. We had our fair share of fires up here in No. CA. They just imprisoned a turd who started the Ponderosa fire here – he got 17 years. Big whoop! He’s no longer homeless and has 3 hots and a cot at the taxpayers expense. Can’t get any restitution out of him because he doesn’t have anything but a new pot to piss in.

  6. Goldenfoxx

    I have a friend of mine who retired as a Captain from CalFire. When CalFire gets overloaded the will call up the retired management guys to help out. He was called to assist in the clean up of the Sonoma fire. He gets their and Jerry Browns O.E.S. tells them, “we have no money to pay for this, we called FEMA and they are here now”. So my buddy hangs out for a while, FEMA shows up and California OES tells that rep that they are paying their help below California standards and need to raise the wage IF THEY PLAN ON WORKING IN CALIFORNIA. The FEMA Rep tells her, “Look, you can clean this mess up or we can.” At that point she walked away.

  7. Guys, I understand there are legitimate, unexpected expenses that get incurred from time to time, but go back 50 years ago and things weren’t nearly so lopsided percentage-wise relative to other states. DemocRATs redistribute wealth and the only way a politician can give somebody something is if they take it away from someone else, a well-honed practice in CA. When that wasn’t enough they started taking from the Fed… in other words, the rest of us! There is no question that California now leads the nation when it comes to being over-run by illegal aliens, entitlements, protections, “looking out for the little guy” (ha, ha) and hyper-victimhood just to claim more entitlements…. all very, very costly stuff. California is Cloward-Pivening the Hell out of us and it needs to stop.

  8. I’ve got to say, on principle I’m against paying off or forgiving student loan debt. We’ve gotten into this mess as a result of politicians trying to by votes with taxpayer money. We can’t be trying to get our guys re-elected by trying to buy the votes of people that probably wouldn’t vote for our guy anyway. And by the way, student loan debt is estimated to be up to a trillion dollars.

  9. Pigistan walks a fine line between supporting the US on the sly, placating the inbred unibrows and maintaining control over its nukes. It lets the crazy leak across the LOC to rape and mutilate Indians and out of Weirdoziristan into Afghanistan as a relief valve. It’s not a neat and tidy situation.

    We need CIA bases inside Pigistan to collect intel, monitor their atomics and drone troglodytes in Waziristan. Don’t fuck that up Trump.

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