No, Idiots, The OK Hand Sign Is Not A White Supremacist Signal – IOTW Report

No, Idiots, The OK Hand Sign Is Not A White Supremacist Signal


Liberals have continued to prove that they are no longer capable of rational thought as they still believe that the “OK” hand sign is a racist symbol.

16 Comments on No, Idiots, The OK Hand Sign Is Not A White Supremacist Signal

  1. At the very least, can’t he adjust his background map so it shows the northern hemisphere instead of the southern hemisphere? I still like him but he needs to change things up a little.

  2. The efforts to drive a wedge between the races politically is have side effects. It’s OK to hate whitey because he’s a racist. He has to be a racist, because after all he’s white. I had some old lady and what I’m assuming was her 16 year old grandson cut the corner into a parking lot so hard they almost ran into me. They had to stop because I was blocking the path of their 1988 Olds Cutlass. They immediately started flipping me off and yelling obscenities. It was quite a sight. I had to laugh. But I can honestly say you could feel the hatred. Man we’re they in the wrong hood.

  3. My nephew has the perfect response to this ok sign. He said it’s not white supremacy or the ok sign. He was just rolling a booger.

    Yeah, he’s a kid. Go figure. But I nearly drove off the road laughing when he said it!

  4. Slightly off topic, but while enjoying watching my Buckeyes beat USC last night, I wondered why “Jingle Bells” and “White Christmas” are racist, but the Cotton Bowl isn’t. Not sure how to throw gasoline on this fire, but I’d love to get that started and see how the colleges and Goodyear handle it.

  5. “racism,” “gender,” “autism,” “police brutality,” etc. etc. etc ad infinitum – the left thinks they get to use words like a hickory shampoo whenever it serves their agenda… and they got away with it before The Donald shut them down cold. eRepublicans played along, they are progs, dontcha’ know and as such were only playing their part in the political version of Kabuki Theater.

  6. Meh, I’m okay with the commutards giving yet another tell to identify themselves. I no longer need to see them get out of a Subaru outback with a “Feel the Bern ’16″or “coexist” bumpersticker, they now all but scream at you when you meet them “I daydream about murdering your whole family”…

  7. Black People have signs- Dance walk’s thru intersections – Pants down Ass out – Their own food preferences – Their own Language(S) etc. This Crap is Racist but why Care, it’s different people with the right to live how they want !

  8. OKAY.. Here’s my middle finger.

    Is that direct enough?

    As a declared white racist (based on my skin color), I’ll do what I what when I want BECAUSE it’s racist. Does that make the SJWs feel better? It’s MY pigeonholed hate has no home here life. Look thru MY lens, white genocide perpetrating fuckmunches.

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