Rick Manning: ‘National Review Crowd Can’t Admit They Were Dead Wrong About Donald Trump’ – IOTW Report

Rick Manning: ‘National Review Crowd Can’t Admit They Were Dead Wrong About Donald Trump’

Breitbart:“The National Review crowd can’t admit they were wrong, dead wrong, about Donald Trump,” said Rick Manning, president of Americans for Limited Government.

Manning made his comments during Friday’s edition of SiriusXM’s Breitbart News Tonight with Breitbart Senior Editor-at-Large Rebecca Mansour.

“[Donald Trump] is the most conservative president in my lifetime, and I include Ronald Reagan,” opined Manning, reflecting on National Review’s ongoing framing of the 45th president as lacking conservative bona fides.

National Review’s 2016 “Against Trump” article derided then presidential candidate Donald Trump as a “philosophically unmoored political opportunist who would trash the broad conservative ideological consensus.”

Manning reflected on National Review’s expressed contempt for “white working class” communities, recalling the magazine’s 2016 cover story by Kevin Williamson which described predominantly white and rural communities as “dysfunctional and downscale.”

“White working class” communities “deserve to die,” wrote National Review’s Williamson in that 2016 cover article about then-candidate Trump’s voters. When confronted by criticism for this stance, the magazine doubled down.

Manning said Williamson was “dead wrong” that we should “let rural America die.”

“Rural America is being murdered,” explained Manning. “They weren’t dying, they were being murdered by trade laws that sent out jobs overseas, by tax laws that made it too expensive to build stuff here, and by environmental laws that strangle the life out of anybody who wants to grow anything, extract anything, or build anything.”

“And that’s why Kevin Williamson was dead wrong in his arrogance in believing that free trade was everything, when in fact what’s really important is having trade based on a level playing field,” said Manning. “America tied both hands behind her back in a boxing match trying to use our forehead to fight with. We’ll never be able to win that boxing match. Donald Trump’s changed the game.” more here

25 Comments on Rick Manning: ‘National Review Crowd Can’t Admit They Were Dead Wrong About Donald Trump’

  1. Flipped around the squawk shows this a.m. they all said the tax cuts are highly unpoopular with the american people and will cost the gop in 2018.
    If I knew how to spell the sound of a long smelly fart, I’d type it right here…..in upper case!

  2. All the NeverTrumpers are a bunch of condescending assholes. That “I know something you don’t, and I’m MUCH smarter than you” crap drives me nuts. Especially when they’ve proven themselves wrong but keep it up anyway.

  3. Trump is a President, acts like a President, and is proud to be President. He campaigned on what he would do, and now he’s doing it. America is number 1 with Trump, and if any other nation doesn’t like it then tough cookies. He doesn’t kowtow to the media. And while some of his statements and assertions have seemed outlandish, he has been very, very accurate.

    Trump is a very rich guy who is one of the few politicians (I know, Trump really isn’t a politician) who looks out for the common folk and the little guy. He has set much of Washington on its ear – including the Republican party. He’s not hypocritical as is much of the Republican party, most of the Democrat party, and virtually all of the media. He still speaks truth to power, although Trump is now the power.

    Much success in 2018 and beyond, President Trump.

  4. “Trump may not know what he’s doing, said Kevin Williamson in NationalReview.com. But he’s done nothing YET that rises to the level on an impeachable offense. It is not unconstitutional to be a fool.”
    The Week, June2,2017 p8
    Williamson is a smug phuck. He, and the other smart alecks at NR, should be included in the “Best Compilation of people who laughed at Trump.”
    I will find Victor Davis Hanson and Andrew McCarty elsewhere when my subscription expires sometime in 2018.

  5. It’s all about the money.
    Their business model has been to feign conservatism and play the loyal opposition to the globalists…just enough to keep the “ignorant masses” content that their beliefs were shared by “some” in Washington. They made a good living out of it for the past 50 years or so.
    They tried this stuff with Reagan back in 1976 and 1980. Remember “amiable dunce”? Reagan wasn’t able to tear off their facade, but Trump ripped it off dramatically and then smeared their faces with it. The “beltway geniuses” could not figure our how to adjust their business model in case Trump actually won.

  6. I have completely given up on National Review, both the magazine and NRO. William F. Buckley must be rolling over in his grave wondering what happened to his magazine. And when they fired John Derbyshire a few years ago when he spoke the truth about race relations with blacks they almost lost me but now with their virulent anti Trump hatred I’m done for good with them, they can kiss my deplorable ass.

  7. Yes Brad, that was pretty insulting shit by the Mack Daddy and Seith Meyers. But I think it turned a lot of people towards Trump. I love to watch “Best Compilation of people who laughed at Trump.”
    Right now the wife and I are getting ready to drive to Manhattan. We plan to park in the Port Authority Building
    after a rigorous search and wanding by the NYPD. Then we will walk the long block to Times Square, freezing our tits and nuts off. Her tits, my nuts. Then we will be wanded again, and searched. Then we will be herded into a corral where we cannot move. If we get there by 10 PM, I figure we only have two hours before the phucking crystal ball drops, and our nuts and tits have turned to ice.
    But it’s worth it. What a wonderful American tradition. Cops with machine guns, sniffing dogs, plain clothes police wanding everyone. Just Honky Dory.
    Brad, if you believe this, I have a bridge I will sell you.
    Happy New Year to all at IOTW.
    Oh. Cathy Griffin will not be there this year to give the fag, Anderson Cooper, a Wolenski.

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