Steven Mnuchin: Congress Should Tackle Fannie, Freddie or Treasury Will – IOTW Report

Steven Mnuchin: Congress Should Tackle Fannie, Freddie or Treasury Will

OAN- The Treasury Department may solve the bailed-out status of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac through administrative action unless Congress is able to address the matter.


9 Comments on Steven Mnuchin: Congress Should Tackle Fannie, Freddie or Treasury Will

  1. @flip, I agree 100%.

    My sister owes on her student load from before the gov’t took them over. She was paying extra and the amount due kept getting smaller. Then the gov’t took her personal loan over and extended the end date when she paid extra instead of applying it to the principle. The gov’t was sued and discontinued that practice, but they never gave back the money. She still owes almost the same amount as when they took it over.

    I hate Obama. Sorry, I detest him immensely.

  2. Claudia, considering the current “antifascist movement” in the US, what true fascist would make moves to denationalize ANY financial institution or nationalized business like Freddie, Fannie, or student debt?

    More proof to the world that President Trump is not a Nazi Fascist Pig Homophobic add-your-own-buzzword-here twerp.

    I expect corrections from the Trump administration to reverse Obama’s dire actions on student loans by the end of this year.

    When President Trump fully denationalizes health care, I will throw a YUGE party, and you all are invited to come. Bring your own bottle, food, lodging, etc etc etc, heh.

  3. I love these businessmen who are accustomed to making real decisions!
    I hope he takes care of the phony Freddie and Fannie for good.
    Maybe he’ll ask for no funding like Mulvaney did with the CFPB slush fund.

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