The Guardian puts suicide hotlines up for its readers bereaved over the death of Castro junior – IOTW Report

The Guardian puts suicide hotlines up for its readers bereaved over the death of Castro junior

American Thinker: Buying wholesale into the Cuban state media claim that Fidel Castro’s eldest son committed suicide based on clinical depression, The Guardian put up suicide hotlines in its news write-up. They knew how much its readers identify with the Castros, and considered this a death in the family. The British lefty paper actually posted this notice at the bottom of its story about the demise of 68-year-old Fidelito Castro:

• In the UK the Samaritans can be contacted on 116 123. In the US, the National SuicidePrevention Lifeline is 1-800-273-8255. In Australia, the crisis support service Lifeline is on 13 11 14. Other international suicide helplines can be found at

Is The Guardian trying to tell us that its readers might be so bereaved about the loss of another Castro that some might take their own lives? Is it saying this story is really all about the pitfalls of untreated depression leading to suicide, despite the vaunted Castrocare system, which failed to prevent it, as if that is what really happened in Havana? It’s baffling that they think suicide hotlines or any self-help advice widely available only in the West (and certainly not Cuba) belongs in what will likely end up as a story about a Jacobean power struggle in the Cuban communist ruling class.

Castro junior was the son of a billionaire dictator, living a playboy’s life, partying it up in plutocrat luxury…while his nation starved.

But of course, those are the people they identify with, Cuba’s rulers, a suicide in the family of Castro is a suicide in the entire Guardian family.

Not to be outdone, the BBC managed to rival The Guardian for the same sort of personifying identification with the Castroite princeling who partied with Paris Hilton and Obama-era celebrities:

Fidelito, according to the vaunted British broadcaster, committed suicide all right — over not being able to get enough green energy to Cuba. READ MORE

12 Comments on The Guardian puts suicide hotlines up for its readers bereaved over the death of Castro junior

  1. The son of the SOB dead no one in Cuba care, this dictator family are nightmare for the people in Cuba, one by one will suffer from everything this criminal did in Cuba rat in hell . Communist regime will pay for all the shit that they done to the people.

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