Isikoff Stunned That His Carter Page Article Was Used To Justify Spy Warrant – IOTW Report

Isikoff Stunned That His Carter Page Article Was Used To Justify Spy Warrant

Daily Caller: Investigative journalist Michael Isikoff said Friday that he was surprised to find out that an article he wrote about Carter Page prior to the election was used to obtain a spy warrant against the former Trump campaign adviser.

The revelation, which was made in a memo released by the House Intelligence Committee on Friday, “stuns me,” Isikoff said in an episode of his podcast, “Skullduggery.”

The four-page memo alleges that the DOJ and FBI submitted inaccurate and incomplete information in a Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) warrant against Page. The spy warrant was granted on Oct. 21, 2016.

One “essential” part of the application was the uncorroborated Steele dossier, according to the memo. And an article that Isikoff wrote for Yahoo! News on Sept. 23, 2016 that was based directly on the dossier was “cited extensively” in the application.

Isikoff was shocked, he said, because his very article was based on information that came from Christopher Steele, the former British spy who wrote the dossier. He said it was “a bit beyond me” that the FBI would use his article in the FISA application.  more here

10 Comments on Isikoff Stunned That His Carter Page Article Was Used To Justify Spy Warrant

  1. I’ve shut off all media morons for a week. Let it settle down and see what’s true.

    CNN/google/yahoo are on full tilt boogie to muddle every thing up.

    Now they talking an attack on the Noel’s for the mid terms and DJT’s impending divorce.


  2. the left is now arguing that government secret courts & the police state needs to be not only upheld, but defended

    it is very saddening that an institution like the FBI would go to a secret court & present absolutely no credible evidence to spy on people whom a political party deem a threat

  3. Not so fast. Part of a comment from someone on fb. “Go back and look at Plamegate. Go back and see the role David Corn and Michael Issikoff played in that–how they carried water for the FBI and the Democrats, and spread their lies and disinformation.”

  4. Issikoff kept repeating that the his article was not merely repeating what was in the Steele dossier, but that, as a professional journalist, he had verified the Steele dossier’s veracity by interviewing a DOJ official. Hmmm, was that the same DOJ official that payed Steele to fabricate the dossier and then told him to leak it to Issikoff?

    He was playing to Democrats and nevertrumpers, so he was safe in assuming that they are too dense to notice the obvious.

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