ICE Audits 77 Northern California Businesses, Seeking Illegal Workers – IOTW Report

ICE Audits 77 Northern California Businesses, Seeking Illegal Workers

Breitbart: 77 Northern California businesses were required this week to comply with immigration audits of their workforces in what U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) has described as “protecting jobs for U.S. citizens” and other lawfully employed individuals.

Businesses received notices of inspection from ICE Homeland Security Investigations (HSI) special agents from Monday through Wednesday, ICE Spokesman James Schwab told Breitbart News. The notices gave each business three days from the date of being served to comply and produce I-9 documents.

Typically HSI takes the documents and conducts inspection for compliance. While the businesses were not initially identified, they were located within the San Francisco responsibility jurisdiction, including San Francisco, Sacramento, and San Jose.

Schwab said that HSI has increased enforcement activities to “enforce the laws that prohibit businesses from hiring illegal workers.” ICE Deputy Director Tom Homan has made known plans to increase the level of HSI worksite enforcement actions. read more

7 Comments on ICE Audits 77 Northern California Businesses, Seeking Illegal Workers

  1. There is also the arrest, jail and fine of the willing employers. Sec 8 USC 1324
    Locate, arrest and deport all illegal relatives.
    They should also start an audit of welfare, sec. 8 and food stamp claims.
    It’s a long road ahead but, “Long journeys, First step… etc., etc.

  2. Meanwhile, our CA Ag warns businesses to not report illegal aliens.

    Sorry, follow the federal law which has jurisdiction over immigration and prepare to sue and win easily for California’s overreach.

    Oh, by the way, the Democrat scum who worship illegal aliens and give them special rights over US citizens and legal California residents can all GO TO HELL. Governor Moonbeam Brown should ride his little toy train straight down into the Abyss to get raped by Satan. Kate Steinle’s blood is on his hands.

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