Video: Fauxcahontas goes bonkers for pink pussy hats – IOTW Report

Video: Fauxcahontas goes bonkers for pink pussy hats

Daily Caller: Democratic Senator Elizabeth Warren made a bizarre speech Friday to the liberal group Annie’s List in which referenced marching in “pink pussy hats.”

“Women know what it’s like to get talked over in meetings, passed over for promotions, and screwed over in salary negotiations–nevertheless, we persist.”

“We persist. We persist and we march! We march in pink pussy hats,” she said while waving her arms around.  video HERE

30 Comments on Video: Fauxcahontas goes bonkers for pink pussy hats

  1. “Women know what it’s like to get talked over in meetings,…”

    Really? We have Shayla, who is a female electrical engineer. Known her about fifteen years now. When she speaks up at a meeting people pretty much shut up and listen. At least the guys like me, out here in the field do.

    Now I’m going to make it much worse. When I (late 50’s, white guy) get to see Shayla in person I wrap her up in a hug. She squeezes back.

    Shayla is a black woman. Which doesn’t signify to me at all. She is my friend, someone I admire, someone who assists me when I can’t figure out a problem. We’ve worked shoulder to shoulder in the field.

    I don’t think she has much use for people who complain about this stuff. At least that’s my take on her attitude.

  2. “People know what it’s like to get talked over in meetings, passed over for promotions, and screwed over in salary negotiations,”

    Gosh Wally, that sure sounds a lot like Affirmative Action… you know, like when a certain someone checks the “Native American” Box on an application.

  3. Hate to break it to you babe, but every man I know was talked over in meetings, passed over for promotions, screwed in salary negotiations. But we persisted. Ask a white male, combat veteran, college degree, how he feels about being passed over for promotion by an Affirmative Action black female, 12 years less time on the job, no degree, no Active Duty and no endorsements from coworkers.

  4. Boy, does she persist. I’ve been waiting for this witch to shut up for a long time, but she persists in continuing to blather on about things that have been debunked long ago.

  5. In a post apocalyptic world Liz Warren would be the last woman on earth forcing the species to die.

    I mean really. I’m not sending my little soldier into that battlefield.

  6. I hear they’re planning to make those hats in different colors, in order to match the skin complexion of the individual protester. But they’ll all still be pink on the inside.

  7. I could almost ignore her. The fraud, the hypocrisy. But her voice ruins it all. She sounds like a Kindergarten teacher that caught the two Girls’ Gym teachers in a pile with the wood shop teacher in the lounge.
    Horrified beyond all measure, her voice perpetually quakes with the outrage of someone who thinks they have seen too much for a normal person to bear.

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