Doritos’ New Low Noise-High Performance ‘Lady-Friendly’ Chips – IOTW Report

Doritos’ New Low Noise-High Performance ‘Lady-Friendly’ Chips

Diogenes’ Middle Finger;

To Crunch or Not to Crunch. That is the Question.

Ya know for far too long, ladies like myself have had to sit by the wayside as we watch our men enjoying the delicious flavored tortilla chips known to the world as Doritos. As much as we might try to enjoy them ourselves, certain things have always gotten in the way. The crunching for one, is far too loud!

As a woman, I pride myself on being as accommodating as humanly possible, and “too loud” crunching could interrupt a man when he is explaining to me why I am wrong, or while watching his favorite TV show.

How can one be seen and not heard with all that CRUNCHING going on? Chomp chomp chomp! So unladylike! And the powder! Don’t even get me started on the powder. Why, my favorite pair of white gloves is all but ruined with red-gold nacho cheese stains from the last time I attempted to eat some!

But finally, the good people at Doritos have an answer to my womanly woes! MORE

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