Joe Manchin Is Running Scared – IOTW Report

Joe Manchin Is Running Scared

Daily Caller— Democratic Sen. Joe Manchin of West Virginia urged his colleagues on the Senate floor Tuesday afternoon to come together and not campaign against a sitting senator in the upcoming November election cycle.

“I’m pledging to the people of West Virginia and to the American people that I will not campaign against a sitting colleague. I will not direct fundraise against them. I will not distribute any direct maim against them. I will not appear or endorse any advertisements directed at them and I will not use or endorse social media campaigns that attack them. Washington will be dysfunctional until we all draw the line of truth and say we’re here for the same reason,” Manchin said Tuesday on the Senate floor.  more here

12 Comments on Joe Manchin Is Running Scared

  1. Isn’t this the same guy who not too long ago said he doesn’t care about getting re-elected in a deep red state, and is now making rules hoping to protect himself?

    Seems pretty desperate to me.

  2. “until we all draw the line of truth and say we’re here for the same reason”

    And the proles began chanting “U-S-“… what? oh…

    And the proles began chanting “The Par-ty! The Par-ty!”…

  3. Leading in the polls by 14 to 22% … wtf he got to be ascairt of?

    Senate seat in WVA is a sinecure for life, and Joe’s got to know that.

    Maybe he’s worried that (particularly for Demonrats) if the dead can vote, they can also run for the Senate; and his fellow maggots … uhh … Senators may object to McCain (post mortem) and Ted Kennedy resuming their seats?

    izlamo delenda est …

  4. Joe morphs into Rodney King, Can’t , can’t , can’t, we all just get along.

    But it’s always just a head fake with politicians, just enough to fool enough people to win the next election. First day of their next term in office. The camouflage is put away till the next election cycle, and they switch back to their natural true color selves.

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