Carter Page claimed in 2008 that he had worked on the Bill Clinton transition team 1992-3 – IOTW Report

Carter Page claimed in 2008 that he had worked on the Bill Clinton transition team 1992-3

American Thinker: It is far from clear what Carter Page is, other than an “international man of mystery” – possibly implying the farcical tone of Austin Powers. A Twitter account in the name of “The War Economy” (hat tip: Rex Imperator) dug up a 2008 listing of speakers to be heard at the “Bard Globalization and International Affairs Program in New York City,” which reproduced his claim to be an Clinton insider:

Carter Page previously worked with the Clinton Administration transition team in 1992-1993 while serving as a Research Fellow on the House Armed Services Committee (HASC) on Capitol Hill.  During his Fellowship, HASC Chairman Les Aspin was selected by President Clinton as the Secretary of Defense in December 1992.  From May 1993 – December 1994, Carter went on to serve as the Arms Control Action Officer for Counterproliferation Policy in the Nuclear Affairs and International Negotiations Branch of the Navy Staff in the Pentagon. [italics in original]  MORE


7 Comments on Carter Page claimed in 2008 that he had worked on the Bill Clinton transition team 1992-3

  1. When he talks, nothing seems to make sense or lead to any point. Watching him with Laura Ingraham as she tried to make sense of his story reminded of that scene in “Office Space” with The Bobs: “What would you say…you do here?”

    And the many facets of Carter Page seemed to have caught Q by surprise, too. Makes me suspicious when Q says to trust Chris Wray. Maybe so, be we trusted him before, and where did that get us?

    “From 2001 to 2005, Rod Rosenstein led DOJ’s efforts to ensure enforcement of tax cases such as the Clinton charity frauds. And from September 2003 through May 2005, Christopher Wray, the present FBI director, led DOJ’s criminal division, concentrating on fraud cases, including Enron.”

    Maybe Wray is just an opportunist like Carter Page, eager to curry favor with power, but never really producing, only padding his resume. Trump can’t afford having people like that around him right now, and we know from experience that he detests self-aggrandizing leeches in his organizations. I know Q says to trust Wray, but there’s something that is just not right.

  2. I read somewhere that the Russians thought of him as stupid. It doesn’t take much to run a “think tank” (i.e. money laundering operation for globalists buying politicians) in DC.

  3. Crazy stuff. I can’t get the image of Mad Magazine’s “Spy Versus Spy” cartoon out of my head.

    Page O Turner: Here’s a quote from The Guardian: “Page was also described by a Russian intelligence agent who was trying to recruit him as an asset for Moscow in 2013 in another way: “idiot”.

    “He wants to meet when he gets back,” the agent, Victor Podobnyy, said in a conversation recorded by US intelligence. “I think he is an idiot and forgot who I am. Plus he writes to me in Russian [to] practice the language.””

    Did the FBI lean on Page (since they could intimidate him over his past Russian surveillance) to join up with the Trump campaign so they, the FBI, could make a guaranteed charge of Russian collusion? I don’t remember the timing of Page’s involvement with the campaign, but it seems that the innocuous meeting with the Russian lawyer (woman) came after that. It seems like crude attempts to plant evidence.

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