These L.A. Police and Firefighters Figured Out How to Double Pay for Not Working – IOTW Report

These L.A. Police and Firefighters Figured Out How to Double Pay for Not Working

CPR: Take a program that lets a public employee earn both a pension and a salary at the same time. Add an extremely generous disability leave and workers’ compensation program that allows public employees to be paid while not working for months or even years on end. What do you get? Massive corruption, obviously.

new report from the Los Angeles Times attempts to quantify the costs and consequences of a program allowing L.A. police and firefighters to collect both salaries and pension returns in the years running up to retirement. But these same employees often spend massive chunks of their final years on he payroll out on medical leave — so they’re costing the city even more money without actually working.  read more

13 Comments on These L.A. Police and Firefighters Figured Out How to Double Pay for Not Working

  1. Lazlo has a career LEO pal.
    He’s gonna retire soon at 90%
    I have no beef with my pal. He held up his end of the bargain.
    But 90%?
    Whoever in the City Government who agreed to that crap should swing from a lamp pole.

  2. Here is part of the racket: Every time you see a fire, all the firefighters get overtime pay if the fire and cleanup goes past the end of their shift. If it a major brush fire, they get overtime pay as long as the fire lasts, and all the surrounding communities put crews on the fire. Police and fire get an accelerated retirement because their jobs are “hazardous” even though highway road crews die on the job at a much higher rate, and police and fire have a greater longevity than school teachers. Want to keep working in fire and law enforcement after you collect retirement? Police and fire can, but in most states, no other government employee can. A few years back I saw a statistic, which I think was over 90% of all California Highway Patrol retirees were disability retirees. What a racket, and I am only scratching the surface.

  3. If you’re not mad enough already…..
    Some of these Gov Programs determine the amount of the employees retirement on their last few years of pay….so in Seattle, we had some DOUBLING their pay with OT in the last two years, THEN going out on Pensions HIGHER THAN THEIR SALARY!!! AAAAAAND, if this system goes bankrupt, as it MUST, the promise to these poor dear employees is that TAXPAYERS MUST cough up to make them whole. Taxes must be raised. Get aload a them apples!!!

  4. When I started as a firefighter we worked a five day week and got paid for 40 hours. If we were on a fire 30 hours straight, too bad. No overtime. We also had to perform maintenance on equipment and the station “after hours.” Came as part of the job description “other duties as required.”
    And we slept on the ground in fire camp. No fancy hotels.
    And no fancy titles. Truck drivers were truck drivers, not “engineers,” and foreman were foreman, not “captains.”

  5. @arky February 8, 2018 at 11:47 am

    > AAAAAAND, if this system goes bankrupt, as it MUST, the promise to these poor dear employees is that TAXPAYERS MUST cough up to make them whole. Taxes must be raised. Get aload a them apples!!!

    Not “the system”. The state (county, city) that wrote their own rules. Different state, different rules. (The USA didn’t cover the CSA’s debts, even when they claimed the CSA was really their’s, all along.)

  6. In our city, supervisors do not get paid overtime. Except fire supervisors (battalion chiefs) because fire fighters are paid so much overtime, they were making more than the bat chiefs. Can’t have “salary compression” don’t ya know.

  7. Next thing you know these occupations will get paid more than teachers!
    Can’t have that. If I am going to overpay somebody given the current climate of out post-BLM world – then it’s going to be firefighters and cops (#targets) rather than the inciters and teachers of hate.

    For every group of unionized (milk’em for all they got) parasites in lots of jobs there are thousands who don’t and come up short on pensions and disability.

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