Alleged classmate of 9/11 hijackers Arrested In Oklahoma – IOTW Report

Alleged classmate of 9/11 hijackers Arrested In Oklahoma

FrontPage- On February 6, The New York Times published a chilling report on the arrest in Oklahoma of a foreign national who had attended an al Qaeda training camp. The defendant in this case is Naif Abdulaziz M. Alfallaj, a 34-year-old citizen of Saudi Arabia who has been residing in the U.S. since 2011. Allegedly he attended a terror training camp in Afghanistan in 2000 when four of the 9/11 hijacker/terrorists also attended training sessions at that very same camp.
Here is an excerpt from the Justice Department’s press release on the arrest:
According to the (criminal) complaint, the FBI found 15 of Alfallaj’s fingerprints on an application to an al Qaeda training camp, known as al Farooq, which was one of al Qaeda’s key training sites in Afghanistan.  The document was recovered by the U.S. military from an al Qaeda safe house in Afghanistan.  The document is also alleged to include an emergency contact number associated with Alfallaj’s father in Saudi Arabia.  Alfallaj is alleged to have first entered the U.S. in late 2011 on a nonimmigrant visa based on his wife’s status as a foreign student.  According to the complaint, he answered several questions on his visa application falsely, including whether he had ever supported terrorists or terrorist organizations.
The indictment returned today charges two counts of visa fraud.  Count One alleges that from March 2012 to the present, Alfallaj possessed a visa obtained by fraud.  Count Two alleges he used that visa in October 2016 to apply for lessons at a private flight school in Oklahoma.  The third count in the indictment charges Alfallaj with making a false statement to the FBI during a terrorism investigation when he was interviewed and denied ever having associated with anyone from a foreign terrorist group.
This is a “good news/bad news” story. It is certainly impressive that our government was able to uncover the evidence upon which this criminal case is based, however, he was lawfully admitted into the United States in 2011, more than a decade after he received terror training.  He has been in the United States for about seven years and his presence in the United States only came to the attention of the FBI when he sought pilot training in October 2016.  read more

14 Comments on Alleged classmate of 9/11 hijackers Arrested In Oklahoma

  1. put him in that little plane with a 1/4 tank of fuel and send him out over the ocean on a stormy day.see if his training comes in handy. 🙂 if not– Oh well….

  2. Uncle Al, also what “See something, say something” is for. Unfortunately, seeing something and saying something would have gotten you the stink-eye, at a minimum, from Barky’s DOJ. This guy probably had a trail of ignored red flags a mile long.

  3. I’m not here to beat up on MJA for her choice of stock photos, but you can learn a lot from an aircraft’s tail registration info.
    Switzerland 🇨🇭 HB-Cxx single-engined Cessnas under 5.7 tons

    US planes will have an N number! 😀

  4. Been here since 2011, so if he HAD committed a crime, the MSM would have called him a “home-grown” terrorist. And I wonder how much chain-migration he is responsible for.

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