Newsweek Insider Tells How Magazine is Imploding – IOTW Report

Newsweek Insider Tells How Magazine is Imploding

Truth Revolt:

Good riddance.

It’s just a matter of time before Newsweek shutters its doors for good. It was already close before a cult leader bought the publication and gave it new legs, but those legs were shaky, more like the National Enquirer than a serious news publication. Now, the trouble is starting back up.

Federal investigators swarmed Newsweek’s headquarters last month to uncover allegations of fraud and this week, several top executives and a reporter were suddenly fired.

In the meantime, Newsweek is carrying on its fierce anti-Trump campaign, publishing click-bait articles and fake news. The outlet also had to distance itself from an editor of the Pakistani edition after he heralded pedophilia as a producer of great art. But that doesn’t mean the editorial standards are high, Newsweek ran with this headline this week: “Donald Trump’s Hair Flaps in the Wind, Revealing His Scalp.”  MORE

14 Comments on Newsweek Insider Tells How Magazine is Imploding

  1. The concept of a weekly news magazine with in-depth reporting of the news is fantastic.
    Unfortunately, Newsweek was nothing more than a Leftist anti-Middle Class propagandist, like all the other mass mainstream journalism.
    Buh bye.

  2. So let me see if I have this right: The magazine that ran giddily with the Schiff story about Russian bots being behind a fake surge for #ReleaseTheMemo, is the same magazine that bought fake audience traffic in order to fulfill a large government advertising campaign. Is that about right?

  3. I used to read Time, Newsweek and others before 24 hour news and the internet. Now, just as the daily newspaper tells me what happened yesterday, those magazines are obsolete. But I would no longer real them even if relevant because they are leftist.

  4. Newsweek was sold for a dollar about 10 years ago to CA Leftist politician Jane Harman (Husband owned Harman Kardon). It was later sold to Daily Beast’s parent company, then to a different company. Basically a left-wing rag, but the name Newsweek earned so much prestige over the prior decades that some people still think it’s legit.

  5. It’s not fair to compare Newsweek to the National Enquirer – the National Enquirer is generally more accurate. Newsweek should just throw in the towel, go full retard and become the World Weekly News. I can see it now – Donald Trump appoints Bat Boy as his new national security advisor.

  6. They had an article last month about how Trump could be removed from office and Hillary could be the President. The premise was Trump and Pence could be impeached. Then Ryan,as the Speaker of the House, knowing that the election was stolen from Hillary, would do the “right thing” and not accept the office, or something like that.

    I couldn’t finish the article, because it made my head hurt, so I don’t know how Hillary got voted in by the Republicans to be the Speaker of the House after a Ryan resignation, or whether there is a mechanism to make a private citizen the Senator Pro Tempore (3rd in line).

    I could only conclude this magazine is for the delusional. National Enquirer has more credibility.

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