GOP Senators to Introduce Immigration, Border Security and DACA Framework – IOTW Report

GOP Senators to Introduce Immigration, Border Security and DACA Framework

Conservative Treehouse: Apparently a group of GOP Senators are proposing an outline (pdf below) for the Republican senatorial legislation for immigration reform.  A first review of the seven  senators outlined in the group shows a majority-minded tilt toward the CoC position(s), with a dose of Chuck Grassley sprinkled in to make their GOPe mix palatable.

With the 1000mg bitter pill of a massive budget bill still blocking our trachea, upon first glance we note an ideological similarity here to the failed Obamacare repeal construct (amid the big picture analysis). The backdrop is a faux-deadline of March 5th where POTUS asked congress to solve the DACA issue.    MORE

14 Comments on GOP Senators to Introduce Immigration, Border Security and DACA Framework

  1. Enablers and appeasers led by McCONnell and Ryan.

    One more betrayal by the establishment GOP.

    NO DACA until the laws are enforced, deportation of all illegal immigrants. If they choose to come to our Nation, follow the process legally.

  2. This will put the Democrats in congress in an unwinnable situation; keep their promises by taking the deal offered by Trump and republicans or reject it and face the wrath of their voters who expected them to do right by the DACA recipients they’ve been championing for so long.

    Either way, THEY lose.

  3. Can’t some of the new proposed (GASP) ‘infrastructure’ bill, be used to maintain and update our border infrastructure?

    Why does all of the funding need to be from one budget? I thought the ‘wall’ has been approved, already. To me that means the NEW infrastructure bill could be applied.

    I’m sure McCONnell has his ‘little college’ covered in the fine print.

  4. The Globaloney-ists have infiltrated every level of politics in America.
    Nobody wants or needs a bunch of ignorant rat-people, except for the purpose of mindlessly pulling a lever (like a monkey on a space flight) when ordered to do so. The Globaloney-ists intention is the total and complete destruction of, not only America, but western civilization. Introducing criminals, rapists, murderers, torturers, head-cutter-offerers, dope addicts, and gangsters into society should not be construed as “good” by any stretch of the imagination, regardless of the lies and excuses strewn about by the liars and sowers of confusion.

    If we choose to survive, we must get rid of both; the rat-people and the liars who inflict them upon us.

    izlamo delenda est …

  5. Sounds like they’re determined to return to minority status. With the goal – clearing the road for the demonrats to try to impeach PDT.

    A lot of new long-term prisoners might throw up some immovable road blocks. With the bonus of making Adam Schiff’s crazy eyes go away and hide the “town idiot” tattoo on his forehead.

  6. What crap. No mention of a wall, just political techno-babble and it will legitimize 1.8 million illegals. Tell the Dems they get to keep 50,000 of the DACA’s but they have to choose which ones. They have two months to do it and if it isn’t complete they all go.

  7. This proposed bill isn’t a compromise…it is total surrender to the democrats. It allows all 1.8 DACA to stay, does not build the wall, instead calls for a “fence and virtual fence” (i.e. no fence at all). Allows chain migration to continue. What a joke. I hate these bastards.

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