‘I’m more afraid of climate change’ than prison – IOTW Report

‘I’m more afraid of climate change’ than prison

American Thinker: What is it about climate change that drive some advocates bonkers?

One activist whose actions crossed the line from advocacy to eco-terrorism was arrested for shutting off valves on a pipeline project in Minnesota.  She told a group of supporters that she was “more afraid of climate change than I am of prison.”

Daily Caller:

Emily Johnston, an editor and a poet from Seattle, joined several other activists from Seattle and across the West to shut-off valves on a pair of oil pipelines Canadian energy company, Enbridge, owns and operates.

“I’m not courageous or brave,” Johnston told a crowd at a progressive church in Oregon shortly after getting bailed out following her sabotage efforts.  “I’m just more afraid of climate change than I am of prison.

Temporarily closing down pipelines in Minnesota was part of an effort to save the world from fossil fuels, Johnston wrote in a 2017 editorial for The Guardian.  A judge is allowing her to use a “necessity defense” to justify her actions in 2017 against the Enbridge Pipeline System.

The activism of another global warming nutcase destroyed his family:   MORE

17 Comments on ‘I’m more afraid of climate change’ than prison

  1. I would like to see a Truman show grade test of how they think people will live in the environment they imagine, but with real world influences applied. These whackos would of course be the test subjects, Hold them to their own idealisms

  2. “I’m not courageous or brave” No lady, you’re a criminal.

    “I’m more afraid of climate change than prison.” Then here’s good news for you: The HVAC in the State Penitentiary runs very smoothly.

  3. “A judge is allowing her to use a “necessity defense” to justify her actions in 2017 against the Enbridge Pipeline System.”

    So if I were afraid that disrupting my utilities in the winter in MN would harm my family, I’d be justified to shoot her in the filed like a prairie dog.

  4. I’d liketo see the rationale the Judge used for allowing this type of defense. Sounds like another left wing Judge trying to make law instead of enforce it. The Necessity Defense allows a defendent to argue that sometimes the breaking of a law is better for society as a whole then upholding it. Put 12 stupid people in a jury box and they may believe it especially if they are from Minnesota.

  5. Same reason National Socialism (Nazi-ism), Inter-National Socialism (Soviet or Leninism or Stalin-ism), Chinese Socialism (Mao-ism), Italian Socialism (Fascism) and izlam-ism all have rabid, self-immolating, murderous acolytes – one must be a tad touched in the head to follow that bilge in the first place.

    The weaker the mind, the more avid the sycophant – just recall all those HRC maggots crying their eyes out on election night.

    izlamo delenda est …

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