South Africa: Failed State 2.0 – IOTW Report

South Africa: Failed State 2.0


South Africa – Why White People?


Land or Death: Mandela’s Failed Rainbow Nation

17 Comments on South Africa: Failed State 2.0

  1. I saw this a few days ago. Whites in South Africa are screwed. No one in the world cares about them because to care would be in a sense agreeing with former apartheid enablers. Ridiculous of course. But blacks in SA will suffer more than whites as the SA farmers become extinct.

  2. My hot rod shop guy is a machinist
    from SA.He still has family there.
    Our govt. won’t let them in.He has been
    trying for 10 years now…

  3. Mandella was a communist bomber and rightfully convicted and imprisoned. The leftists used his story to create a fraudulent hero out of this criminal.
    The majority of the black Africans migrated to SA for work and came from all over the entire continent, they were not just locals that the whites exploited.
    Now they are screaming for a return of “their” land.
    So, does this mean that blacks born anywhere in Africa can lay claim to property in any country on the continent by virtue of their color?
    According to the leftists, yes they can.

  4. “Mandella was a communist bomber …”
    And Joe Slovo’s stooge. The whole anti-apartheid movement was a fabrication of Inter-National Socialism and had nothing to do with wrongs, real and imagined, perpetrated by white people upon black people. The negroes of South Africa were IMMIGRANTS to obtain jobs: Namibia, Mozambique, and Botswana are all shit-holes involved in massive civil strife, revolution, war, famine, pestilence, and death – and the Republic of South Africa was a veritable paradise in comparison.
    Which the influx of ignorant manual laborers destroyed in less than a century. The Inter-National Socialists had been desirous of South Africa for decades (being rich in natural resources) but, of course, socialism killed the golden-egg laying goose, as it always does.

    Any white people still in SA are delusional fools.
    Fuck Africa – leave it to Africans – if they want to live in Hell, let them.

    izlamo delenda est …

  5. This is history repeating itself — Confiscation of white-owned land and businesses without compensation, government-promoted killings, thinking that if they get rid of a certain group, then all will be well…
    Just like Germany in the 1930’s. And the world turns its head away, refusing to see what is in plain sight.
    Every white person should get the hell out, before it is too late. Disappear into Europe, Australia or the Americas and don’t look back.

  6. @organgrinder February 16, 2018 at 7:01 am

    > So, does this mean that blacks born anywhere in Africa can lay claim to property in any country on the continent by virtue of their color?
    > According to the leftists, yes they can.

    That’s the Law. You seem to have a bigly fetish for the Law. You should be squeeling with joy. What’s the problem?

  7. @Loretta in Indiana February 16, 2018 at 9:32 am

    > Every white person should get the hell out, before it is too late. Disappear into Europe, Australia or the Americas and don’t look back.

    Welcome! You look like you’ve some experience living amongst Somalis. Have we got a new home for you!

  8. @Tim February 16, 2018 at 9:01 am

    > the influx of ignorant manual laborers destroyed

    > but, of course, socialism killed the golden-egg laying goose
    And that’s where it goes off the rails. Same as it ever does.

    It wasn’t The Communist Manifesto, it never is The Communist Manifesto, that prevents capitalists from picking their own cotton.

  9. If you’re white and in SA and plan on staying then you will die. You may take a few of the natives with you but die you will.

    It’s time the countries of the west (US, Canada, Britain and anyone else looking for a trained and hard-working class of immigrants) opened their doors to these white South Africans while shutting them to Muslims, at least for the time being. Hell, you could even pretend that the west was coming to the aid of Black South Africans by removing a threat to the stability of the country. A liberal would swallow that.

    Once the whites are gone or dead South Africa will degenerate into inter-tribal warfare and the country will go back to when the land was free of white influence and the natives spent much of their time enslaving or butchering their neighbours. It’s such a shame because like Zimbabwe (formerly Rhodesia) South Africa could have been a powerhouse on the world stage but instead will end up as another African state begging for handouts or weapons which the Chinese will happily give them. But as the Chinese would soon find out South Africa is a gigantic Tar-Baby that will they would soon find themsleves stuck to for no return.

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