Dean Heller (R-Nevada) loves the swamp – IOTW Report

Dean Heller (R-Nevada) loves the swamp

Daily Caller: [Danny Tarkanian]  Dean Heller Is A Textbook Case On Why It’s So Tough To Drain The Swamp.

DC swamp creatures love the swamp, and they won’t leave it quietly. You have to drag them out by their feet, kicking and clawing and screeching like a banshee.  And when one of their own is threatened, the other swamp creatures rush to their defense.

That’s exactly what’s happening in my Republican primary campaign challenging incumbent Nevada U.S. Sen. “DC Dean” Heller.



Heller is a career politician who’s been in one political office or another for 28 long years – the last dozen in Congress.  He loves the swamp.  Boy, does he love the swamp!

And he’ll do anything to stay there – including attacking the non-profit basketball academy I started with my dad in 2003 which helps low-income, disadvantaged kids.  Heller’s attack even went so far as to call the organization my “personal slush fund” and claim I’d “looted” over $700,000 from it.

Want to know what that money really is?

My salary to run the organization from 2005 through 2017, which averaged just $56,600/year.  That excludes the first two years in which I “took” no salary whatsoever. The actual compensation I received for starting, building, and operating the nonprofit actually totals $680,000 over the entire dozen years.

But rounding the figure up to $700,000 makes it look worse, even if it’s inaccurate and misleading.  Par for the DC swamp course.

By comparison, over approximately the same period of time DC Dean has “looted” over $2 MILLION from taxpayers – including his current taxpayer-funded salary of $174,000 per year.  Feel like you’re getting your money’s worth?

But Heller isn’t alone in attacking me and our family’s community non-profit organization.  We’ve also been attacked by the Senate Leadership Fund (SLF) – a Political Action Committee (PAC) funded by lobbyists and other special interests which is affiliated with Republican Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell.  read more

Tarkanian for US Senate

8 Comments on Dean Heller (R-Nevada) loves the swamp

  1. Saw JC Watts speak several years back. He was part of the Republican takeover of the House in the 90’s. Said the problem is the people who go to Washington saying they are going to clean up the cesspool, but after getting there and enjoying the graft the cesspool begins to feel more like a sauna and you don’t notice the stench anymore. He left disappointed after several terms.

  2. JC Watts also played QB for the Ottawa Roughriders from 1981 to 1985 (plus 1 season with the Toronto Argos before retiring) and almost pulled the upset of the decade in the Grey Cup of 1981. Fans here in Toronto and in Ottawa loved him.

  3. Heller is for gun control, amnesty, helped pass driver’s licenses for illegals, and was part of the Republican wrecking crew that raised taxes in Nevada.(I read that no Dems voted for that, btw) AND he was part of the uni-party discussion which was wondering whether they should repeal the NO STATE INCOME TAX law. FFS. Nevada will probably end up a Dem-controlled state this year unless the Bernies are still pissed off at the democrats (For cheating to get hillary) and stay home.

  4. My state, my senator. He’s against the Yucca Mountain project, which would bring thousands of jobs and significant revenue to my county and the state. He thinks what worked for Harry Reid will work for him. I’m supporting Danny Tarkanian. He might not be the best candidate, but he supports the president and supports every issue that is important to me and other conservatives. One-and-done Dean sticks his finger in the wind to make decisions. Screw him.

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