‘Sessions isn’t the only politician taking the FBI to task for their inexcusable lack of ability’ – IOTW Report

‘Sessions isn’t the only politician taking the FBI to task for their inexcusable lack of ability’

The Lid: This hasn’t been a good time period for the reputation of the once-great FBI and Attorney General Jeff Sessions is angry and wants things fixed NOW!

There is little doubt left in the minds of most Americans that the Federal Bureau of Investigation has transformed into a dawdling and desperate piece of the American intelligence community.

The first chink in the armor came during the 2016 presidential election in which the bureau, then under the tutelage of ineffective imbecile James Comey, colluded with, and refused to charge, Hillary Clinton with any crime in relation to her obviously illegal handling of a private email server while operating as Secretary of State under Barack Obama.  Clinton’s actions were undoubtedly dangerous, having allowed confidential information to be stored on the unprotected device, possibly leading to a compromise of national security.

For his obsolescence, Comey was fired by President Donald Trump in a move that irked leftists to no end.

Then came news that the Pulse Nightclub shooter, Omar Mateen, had been reported to the FBI by a diligent gun shop owner who was wary of the radical Islamist’s hopes of purchasing thousands of rounds of ammunition.  In this case, the FBI did nothing, and Mateen went on to slaughter dozens of Americans in what, at the time, was the worst mass shooting in U.S. history.

Now, as Florida reels from the heinous actions of Nikolas Cruz this week, a familiar story is emerging:  Cruz had been on the FBI’s radar for perceived threats against his school–sort of. The FBI apologized on Friday, revealing that it had received a tip from someone “close to the shooter” on Jan. 5, 2018  that Nikolas Cruz was acting erratically and may have been planning a school shooting. The agency failed to act on the tip.

You guessed it:  Nada from the FBI.

Attorney General Jeff Sessions has had it with this incredible lack of discipline and common sense within the once-vaunted organization.  READ MORE

20 Comments on ‘Sessions isn’t the only politician taking the FBI to task for their inexcusable lack of ability’

  1. The FBI certainly dropped the ball. Blood on their hands, no question. How about the Anti Gun Sheriff that was called out to this guys house 20 or 30 times in the last couple years. Now he’s all for gun Control. So the ball was dropped on the National Level and the local level. I’m thinking these parents will be suing the shit out of the school district and the Sheriffs department. Maybe the FBI. But it starts local.

  2. Question: why do the taxpayers of the United States fund “17 Agencies” that deal w/ spying upon US citizens (NSA, DHS, IRA, CIA, BTAF, FBI, DOI, etc.) when every one of those agencies either don’t see or turn a blind eye to “if you see something, say something”?

  3. When the FBI and Secret Service agents were given unlimited expense funds to
    Rent party houses, girls and booze on the taxpayer’s tab under Obama, why the
    hell would they think they would be expected to show up every day to do their jobs?

    Obama made it one big party for them to enable exactly what has happened here.
    The degradation of our protective agencies into flaccid, uncaring, and easily led

    I believe there are still some dedicated personnel in these agencies. But now is
    the time for them to find their stones and their voices and come fiercely to the aid of
    their President and their country.

  4. The Obama years initiated the era of the two monkeys. See no evil, hear no evil. He ordered a lot of databases deleted that did see and hear what the bad guys were up to. He wanted none of that going on in many areas.

    Luckily a few of the guyes were still stopped despite the blinders policy.
    AKA the two monkeys with a football policy.

  5. “If you see something, say something.”
    If you ask this of citizens, doing it is putting them in the cross hairs of hurt.
    You had damn well better do something then, enough with the PC crap, it has done nothing to help and done much to hurt.
    The promotion ladder in the FBI became a political entity of its own, shame on the college educated idiots.
    They put their own and their political bosses interests above the interests of the people they were hired to serve.
    President Trump/Sissy Sessions needs to take a flame thrower to the entire upper echelon of the FBI, CIA, DOJ and any other alphabet agencies wondering around in the political wasteland without even a moral compass.

  6. The agenda of the left is to promote chaos and anti-life activities. The upper echelon of the FBI is mostly leftists. Do you think they would behave any different than other leftists? Why wouldn’t they seize an opportunity to take a tip on a shooter and turn it into a false flag to promote the confiscation of guns? Advanced forms of hypnosis can manipulate crazies like Cruz, Lanza, etc. into taking action. The life of hundreds of school children does not matter to the left because the ends justify the means. Crazy talk you say? Don’t put ANYTHING past the left. We are in a war and they are masters at stealth tactics.

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