Not My President? – IOTW Report

Not My President?

CNS: I recently received an email from an old friend who lives in a very blue state exclaiming that Trump was “not his president.” This was completely unsolicited, as our email conversation up until that point had been non-political. He just felt it necessary to toss that in at the end, either as a way to build camaraderie with a fellow liberal or to be a flame-thrower to a conservative.

In my case, it was the latter.

I tried not to respond in anger, but merely with regret to learn that Trump was not “his” president, since wages were up, taxes were down, the stock market was up, and over 2 million new jobs had been created. Black and Latino unemployment were at new all-time lows. Were these not things that liberals cared about anymore? But, perhaps, I suggested a bit snarkily, these bits of news had not appeared in the New York Times. I doubt that I’ll ever hear from him again.

As the days went by, his comment that Trump was not his president kept rolling around in my head. I wanted to ask him, who IS your president? Are you operating now without a president? Is your state no longer part of the Union? And how does not having the United States’ president as your president work for you? Do you still get all your Social Security payments and Medicare benefits? Can you still sit in your lovely cabin by a lake and pontificate about how much smarter you are than people who voted for Mr. Trump?  read more

28 Comments on Not My President?

  1. Dear Friend,

    Sorry you turned into such a fucktard. You used to be cool, but, apparently your extended association with democrat party hysteria and fascism has rendered you into a complete fucking idiot. But, I’ll still hold out hope that you’ll grow up one day.


    Your friends who grew up and have real jobs and responsibilities & shit.

  2. Shortly after the inauguration something was said about Trump and Leftie Wife stated “Not my president.”

    I asked her if she was still a citizen of the United States.

    Her immediate reply: “DON’T YOU START WITH THAT.”

    There is no rational debate with leftists.

  3. I find a lot of answers in history. The writer, Emery, laments her Leftist friend’s claim “not my president” and concludes her essay by clucking her tongue at his bad manners. A civilized American recognizes their president no matter who the president is, she feels. She fails to recognize her friend’s utter devotion, his slavish fealty to his Leftist orthodoxy. In a somewhat different way, we would never say muslims are “bad mannered” not to recognize Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. No, we would recognize how doing so would be against their religion. In a very similar fashion, the Left cannot, must not, claim a conservative, pro-American president as their own. Number one.

    Number two: Even when Ronaldus Maximus handed the Left an election for the history books, it served merely as a renewed call to action/resistance that had been the hallmark of the Left’s death-march-to-the-sea since their galvanizing policy and electoral successes of the 1960’s, and the 1950’s, if you also count their successful infiltration of the the federal government starting in the 1930’s. Very few Soviet spies, members of the communist party, or fellow travelers were ever indicted, brought to trial or sentenced for their illegal acts against the U.S.

    Conservatives have a very big problem. We are up against an internal enemy of the state who wish to destroy the U.S. in order to make way for their global initiatives. We are the only country in the world who carries this target on our backs because we are the only country in the world who can still defeat their orthodoxy.

    (We must convict the bad actors currently in our gov’t who conspired to illegally change the outcome of this last election. Don’t get tired or apathetic towards what is going on right now.)

  4. I remember feeling that way about Jimmy Carter, Bill Clinton, G.W. Bush (last 2 years), and Obama. However I never inferred anything more than I needed to speak up at the next election to try to get “my president” elected.

    Must have been the same way in 1860 when Lincoln was elected and the (for the most part) south rejected him. We know how that turned-out.

  5. AA, agreed.
    The first enemy to remove is the fake conservative who for the sake of ‘good manners’ refuses to prosecute criminals. Particularly those feathernested in The Swamp.

  6. I have not problem with somebody stating that Trumps’s not their President. As long as they don’t illegally plot against him or the government, obey all laws brought forward by Trump and enacted into law, paid their taxes, did their national duty and did not disparage the US abroad (and a few others I can’t think of at the moment). The US felt that free speech (Trump isn’t my President etc)was so important they enshrined it in the constitution of your country. Let them rant all they want at their tres chic cocktail parties and social gatherings of like minded dunderheads. Let them protest all they want. That’s the beauty of your country whether these special needs adults realize it or not. They are allowed to say things like that unlike most of the other countries on the earth.

  7. scr_north — Back in the day (although it was probably never like this), I would agree with your line of reasoning. Today, however, chants at a Leftist rally (and witty babble at a cocktail party) fuel policy. “Resist” and “Not my president!” become law — sanctuary cities, noncompliance with federal statute regarding illegal aliens, defecation in the streets, people in jail and businesses ruined for not baking a lesbian a cake or selling flowers to two men. While you are championing free speech, your enemies on the Left are taking yours away.

    If we were talking about differing views along the same American spectrum, I’d say fine. But today (and for a long time, now) we aren’t. The Left in America is not American. That’s not my opinion, it’s a fact.

  8. Progs remind me of David Y.
    He dressed better than us, he went to not religious private school, he had better balls, bikes, BB guns, baseball gloves and bats, lorded it over the rest with some regularity. The result of his smugness would get him nuggies, Indian burns, Dutch rubs, tripped in the base lines, cockspurs down his back, green pinecones that actually stick in and assorted other disciplinary actions designed to correct his asshole ways. It never worked, he would go home crying but a coupla days later there he was again, still an asshole.
    We didn’t pick on him, by his actions he begged for it. We would be fine until he started telling us all how much richer his MD daddy was, how nice a car they had, how they had a “nigger maid” to make his bed. Even back then you didn’t call somebody who worked for you a nigger.
    He moved and everybody was happy.
    How come they never keep their threats and move?

  9. “He’s not MY President” is just a statement of whiny, sophomoronic, petulant frustration at the state of the Union. I KNOW – because I felt the same way about the traitorous, treasonous, crooked bastards who assumed that mantle without MY approval: Carter, Clinton, Obola, and those squishy-liberal RINOs Nixon, Ford, Bush, and Bush (did I forget anyone?).

    izlamo delenda est …

  10. I’ll cut to the chase here. Listen to this c-span video. The similarities between what happened to the McCarthy, Chambers, and J. Edgar Hoover when they tried to clean house of communists is chilling and instructive to what the Left does to bury anyone who is on to them and poses a threat. The only reason we know what we know today is because of people like Evans and his persistence to unearth the truth. Most of the primary info from the FBI was hidden for 50 years. And when the USSR broke up, researchers could finally verify the same info in the former Soviet archives. It was all there. In the meantime, McCarthy’s legacy is “witch hunter”, Chambers is “alcoholic and insane”, and Hoover’s is “cross-dressing fag.”

    “Blacklisted by History” — M. Stanton Evans

    (I’m not sure if it was my tablet or not, but there was a lot of buffering. Hang in, though, because it’s worth it.)

  11. Spent an hour this morning getting my mandatory employment drug screening up to date. Upon signing in, the attractive young receptionist handed me a clipboard of paperwork to fill out. As I sat and tackled the forms, I couldn’t help overhear her overtly political conversation with her co-worker. She carried on describing the evil in the Trump administration and the desperate need for his impeachment. While she never used the phrase “not my president”, I do remember her clearly stating that “nobody like Trump.”
    I politely resisted the temptation to chime in with an opposing opinion. However, I did list “Donald J. Trump” as my Emergency Contact, and “President” as his relationship. Not knowing the phone number, I simply wrote down “1-800-WhiteHouse”.
    Fun morning. Hope it doesn’t affect my test.

  12. Dear Snowflake,
    No matter how often you stomp your feet, how long you scream at the sky, worship at the altar of “RESIST!”, tell yourself this is all a bad ream etc… Donald J. Trump is YOUR president. Sorry to burst your bubble. Sorry if the sting of reality makes you seek refuge in a safe-space curled up in the fetal position hugging you cock-shaped pillow…. Actually, who am I kidding? I’m not sorry about those things at all.
    The Claw

    PS: Donald Trump is your president.

  13. See how easy it is to allow others to think for you, just go with the crowd and be unburdened with having to actually think.
    I’ll bet you mention it often in public, hoping to catch the eye of one of the green haired maidens with the body odor and hairy armpits. Happy hunting idiot.

  14. typical progressive…can’t differentiate between fantasy and reality. Saying “he’s not my president” is not the same as saying “I WISH he were not my president”. Restating reality does not make the resultant fantasy true.

    MAGA President Trump !!!

  15. Trump IS their president and they will obey the laws he signs or they will face the penalties. Their wishes and dreams and hopes are not reality…never were and never will be.

    Trump is living rent-free inside their tiny brains and he has taken up tap dancing and tuba lessons. I hope they all die hideous deaths due to complications of Trump Derangement Syndrome.

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