This guy again – IOTW Report

This guy again


CFP: John Kasich still thinks he’s a 2020 thing, demands more gun control – ban the ‘god-darned Ar-15’.

Last week we heard the rumblings. John Kasich, the Governor who won’t go away, the man whose father was a mailman, was thinking about the many ways in which he could easily become President in 2020. Last year, he was ruling it out but now, thanks to what he calls dysfunction in the Trump White House, Kasich’s language has softened. It’s possible, however ridiculous, that he might be planning to primary Trump as a Republican, or abandon the party and run as an independent.

As Buzzfeed reported:

Sources close to Kasich’s political team have told BuzzFeed News in recent weeks that both options are in play. Deliberate or not, Kasich’s moves as the 2018 midterms approach reflect that. In Massachusetts, his still-active Kasich for America committee and Doug Preisse, one of his longtime advisers, have donated to Rick Green, who is seeking an open House seat as a Republican. In California, Kasich has encouraged Steve Poizner, who this week launched a campaign for state insurance commissioner as an independent.

“Sure,” you might say, “Kasich is probably deluded enough to think this could actually work.  But he’ll never do it, will he?”

Normally, I’d agree, and at some point, I suspect the money-men will pull him into a room and tell him this is all a crazed fever-dream.  Until then, however, he’s doing what he can to sound exactly like a candidate.

OK, fine….  That should read “he’s doing what he can to sound exactly like a candidate who’s working to alienate his base and ensure a quick defeat.”  more here

22 Comments on This guy again

  1. I will speak for the vast majority of Ohioans ( aka buckeyes ) and say to the world we are sorry. This guy has had his meds changed by his doctor or something. He has gone bat sh!t crazy. We have all witnessed his slow slide into never never land. It is an on going joke. We can’t wait till he just disappears somewhere to sort through all the Mail his old man hid in the attic that he didn’t want to deliver. I think someone programmed all his TVs to cnn over the last three or four years and he doesn’t know how to fix them.

  2. Drunk driving killed 3 times more Americans in 2017 than guns did.

    What I want to know is this: When are Liberals going to stand up for their principles and demand that automobiles be banned?

    The world is waiting for an answer.

  3. John Kasich signed the Republican Loyalty Pledge to support the Republican nominee, who ever it was, and then told us on national television that he would indeed support Donald Trump. We watched him reneg on both promises as well as embarrass himself by asking the Republicans to have their convention in Cleveland and then not show up. He has demonstrated beyond any doubt that both his signature and his word mean absolutely nothing!
    With his words a man makes covenant and his signature is evidence of his covenant.
    A man is only as good as his word. If a man says he will do something, he does it.
    If a man makes a promise, he keeps it.
    If a man signs his name to a document, he abides by the all rules and statements of the document.
    When a man breaks his word, he breaks all credibility.
    When a man breaks his word, he is a not a man, he is a boy, and should be treated as such.
    Real men know and understand this. A man´s word is the measure of his character and his integrity. John Kasich has neither. He is a vindictive, pathetic liar. He is navel lint. He is a gutless welch which explains why he sides with a bunch of squirrely, dirty democRATs!

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