Obama appointee to senior ICE post pleads guilty – IOTW Report

Obama appointee to senior ICE post pleads guilty

American Thinker: Raphael A. Sanchez has switched roles in the chronicle of Obama administration appointments.  No longer an ornament on the Obama diversity Christmas tree as a Hispanic senior legal official, the top attorney for the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) in Seattle has pleaded guilty to wire fraud and aggravated identity theft.  A press release from the Department of Justice states:

Sanchez, who had responsibility over immigration removal proceedings in Alaska, Idaho, Oregon and Washington, intentionally devised a scheme to defraud seven aliens in various stages of immigration removal proceedings.  For his own personal gain, Sanchez used the personally identifiable information of those aliens to open lines of credit and personal loans in their names, manipulated their credit bureau files and transferred funds to and purchased goods for himself using credit cards issued in their names.

Sanchez admitted that he obtained personally identifiable information of the victim aliens by using ICE’s official computer database systems and by accessing their official, hard-copy immigration A-files, and then forged identification documents on his work computer, such as social security cards and Washington State driver’s licenses, in the victims’ names.  Sanchez used the forged documents to open credit card and bank accounts in the names of aliens, which he controlled.  read more


18 Comments on Obama appointee to senior ICE post pleads guilty

  1. Funny. Dems are always claiming wanting more money is eeeeviiillll. But they’re the ones who are almost always caught running scams to cheat people out of money or have some illegal money making scheme going.

  2. You can probably get 1000 credit cards as CARLOS SANCHEZ mailed to your neighor’s box, you pick it up before they do, and buy what you need and throw the card away.

    The credit card companies don’t seem to care.

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