AK Congressman Don Young Says If Jews Had Guns They Would’ve Stopped Hitler – IOTW Report

AK Congressman Don Young Says If Jews Had Guns They Would’ve Stopped Hitler

DAILY CALLER: An Alaskan congressman claimed if Jews had guns, they would have stopped Hitler, according to a Wednesday report.

Republican Rep. and National Rifle Association (NRA) Board member Don Young said at a gun control debate if Holocaust Jews were armed, they would not have been put into ovens, in a video titled “Guns for Teachers,” The Jerusalem Post reported. Young emphasized his staunch support for the Second Amendment while responding to Democratic congressional candidate Dimitri Shein’s question regarding the safety of schoolchildren.

“How many millions of people were shot and killed because they were unarmed? Fifty million in Russia, because their citizens weren’t armed. How many Jews were put into the ovens because they were unarmed?” Young inquired. The Republican congressman received approximately $250,000 from NRA funding, according to a 2017 The New York Times report.  WATCH

19 Comments on AK Congressman Don Young Says If Jews Had Guns They Would’ve Stopped Hitler

  1. Fighters in the Warsaw Ghetto

    Hell rages over our heads as frequent explosions rend the air, houses collapse, acrid smoke from the fires seeps through our small observation opening, and street fighting continues. One isolated hand grenade explosion followed by several revolver shots – those are ours; a few rounds of machine gun fire and a powerful explosion – those are the Germans’. … Today is the 30th of April. The liquidation of the Ghetto and its last defenses had begun on the 18th. For twelve days we have been sitting in this hole. We are not sleeping; we are not moving; we are not talking. Instead we lie silently on the bunks and think – of what? – of death, and why we must die, and of the hopelessness of our situation.
    Thaddeus Stabholz, Seven Hells,

    I go out into the street, [it is] burning! Everything around is on fire. [Whole] streets! Mila, Zamenhof, Kurza, Nalewki, Lubeckiego. Shortly put, all the streets are burning. Appartments are burning, workshops, warehouses, stores and entire buildings. The entire ghetto is a sea of flames. There is a strong wind, which blows out sparks from the burning houses to the ones which do not burn yet. The fire immediately destroys everything. A stunning sight. The fire expands so [fast?] that people don’t have time to flee the houses and perish inside in a tragic manner.

    The fire causes a huge commotion on the street. People with bundles run from house to house, from street to street, there is no rescue, no one knows where to take shelter. They seek desperately, nothing, no rescue, no protection, death prevails everywhere. The ghetto walls are completely surrounded, no one can enter or leave. [The] clothes are burning on people’s bodies. Screams of pain and crying, houses and bunkers are burning, everything, everything is in flames.

    “Hell has Come to Earth” An Anonymous Woman’s Diary from the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising

  2. If a Jew shot an SS or Gestapo louse every 3rd or 4th time they tried to
    arrest one the roundups would have
    been slowed dramatically or stopped.
    They still would have been targets,
    but targets that shoot back take
    a lot more effort and blood to kill.

  3. Masquerading as the savior of humanity, in reality all socialism, whether labeled socialism, Nazism, fascism, communism, or progressivism is the very essence of evil. During the twentieth century, socialism in its various forms was responsible for the slaughter of untold millions of innocent people through genocide, war, and political purges. In the Union of Soviet Socialistic Republics, 60 million were slaughtered; under the Nationalist Socialists German Workers Party, 20 million; and under the People’s Republic of China, 50 million. Add to that the millions who died under Pol Pot, Castro, Ho Chi Minh, and other socialists dictators, and you have an unbelievable amount of human suffering that can only be ascribed to evil.

    For those unfortunate enough to live under one of the forms of socialism, life consists of misery, oppression and deprivation. Considering the consistent failure of socialism during its hundred and fifty year history, it is difficult to understand how any sane person could voluntarily choose it as the preferred systems of government and economics. There has never been an experiment in socialism of any duration that can be pointed to as an example of a successful culture. Every time it is tried, it fails miserably. To understand this incongruity of human experience we only have to look at the recent history of our own country.


  4. Assuming Whinestein, Schmuckles, Lautenberg, or Schnauzers grandparents weren’t leading them. 🙄

    They’d of folded faster than Superman on laundry day turning in their EEEEEEEEEEEEEEVIL guns – and ratting out their fellow Jews who were trying to resist the Nazis.

    Hey! Just like George Soros did! 😳


  5. Step one disarm political opponents, step two can be confiscating their property, imprisonment or execution. Even Ice-T gets guns are the last defense against tyranny.

  6. “Bloodlands” by T. Snyder.

    Make em pay. Make the murderers pay for their murders. Stop em? Probably not.
    But then, they wouldn’t have been Hitler’s and Stalin’s “chosen” people if they’d have fought. Bullies pick on weaklings. Bullies don’t pick on the strong. Most people (even ardent socialists) won’t pick a fight with an armed man. Cops (yes – Einsatzgruppen, Gestapo, Ordo, Sipo, KGB, NKVD – were/are all cops) the world over would rather confront a guy tied to a chair – rather than an organized and trained group.
    Every totalitarian knows this – that’s why “gun control” is propagandized about protecting the “l’il chillens.”

    It’s a shame we’re so removed from Agriculture that we no longer recognize the smell of BULLSHIT.

    izlamo delenda est …

  7. Centuries of oppression, abuse and exploitation kept the Jews politically off-balance. Significantly outnumbered, segregated and generally powerless, they were easy pickings for Nazi thugs.

    Ties of family, faith and community enhanced their strength and resilience. Their toughness was amply demonstrated in the Warsaw Ghetto and continuing defense of their country.
    With little but grit and determination they have made Israel a modern state, in stark contrast to the shitholes which surround it.

  8. Nothing gets you crapped on faster these days than saying an obvious truth. Virtually every Jewish home in Israel has firearms, and, quite often, full auto firearms.

  9. You will not put me in a plane. You will not put me on a train.
    You will not put me in a car. You will not take me very far.
    You will not make me be a snitch. You will not stand me by a ditch.
    You will not put me in a van.

    You will not take me, Uncle Sam.

  10. 230 years ago Jefferson and Franklin were touring America promoting the passage of the Constitution. Jefferson, almost as rich as Kerry, paid for it all. They mainly pushed the 1st + 2nd amendments. Jefferson always said that the only way we could be truly free was if we we legally able to own the same weapons the government had. Franklin ,usually, would say, “Tom is a little nebulous, let me be crystal clear, The government has cannon, we , in order to keep benevolent dictators at bay, should have cannon!”!

    A tory reporter once asked President Washington (reporters , is seems, have been anti constitution for over 229 years!). “Your Excellency, Dr. Franklin says the common folk should have cannon. What do you think?”

    Washington ,was just as conservative as Ronnie, said, (the eloquence of conservatives is unmatched!) “ A well armed man is a citizen. An unarmed man is a subject (in the 21st century the word is “serf”)!”

    Conservatives have been fighting “Big Brother” for over 230 years!

  11. PS
    We did fight the German army 1777 – 1786. Back then they were “Hessians” but just as well trained, disciplined and therefor tough as in 1939! The Brits “outsourced” much of the “rebellion” to fight in India, A very much bigger colony (at least in terms of population and size.).

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