Will someone please make Nancy go take a nap? – IOTW Report

Will someone please make Nancy go take a nap?


Pelosi repeatedly says wrong words: ‘Commensurate — common sense’, ‘Tax force — task force’

Nancy Pelosi’s ongoing bizarre behavior may be a key reason why many Democrats are refusing to support her for a potential future leadership position.


As the House Minority Leader spoke to reporters in Thursday, she repeatedly used the wrong word in sentences, awkwardly correcting herself so she was clear to the journalists.

Speaking about new gun control legislation, she said there is a “commensurate bi-partisan — common sense bi-partisan supp, uh, path forward.”

Moments later, she repeated words and mistakenly said “tax force,” before enunciating “task force.”

Pelosi fell back into previous talking points, nearly saying “comprehensive immigration bill” when talking about gun control.

“So we’re just say to, we’re just saying to the Speaker, ‘Give us a vote, just give us a vote,’” she repeated.

As Pelosi attempted to again slam the popular Trump tax cut, she botched the numbers created by the Democratic Party.  Go See

29 Comments on Will someone please make Nancy go take a nap?

  1. Only some Dems are not supporting her for a leadership role. LOL meaning many are also just fine with this senile demented woman being the face of their party.

  2. I can remember (No, really) those days when I mixed prescription medications with alcohol and trust me, sleep is the furthest thing from her fevered mind.

  3. I think that congress critters should take competency tests every year. They should do the screening tests we have to do at the doctor’s office and then follow up if they do poorly. I am actually serious about this. I am sorry the Constitution doesn’t have an upper age limit but we all know they really didn’t think these politicians would want to make it a lifetime job. And yes, who thought they would live this long!

  4. Well I just think it is very sad. There is obviously something wrong with her noggin. Where is Ted Noel on this? Poor Nan. She’s stayed too long at the party. Now they will have to carry her out.

  5. My bad. Ted Noel did do a video on Nan.It’s on his VidZette youtube channel. My mom had Alzheimer’s. It’s really a sad condition. Even if you can’t stand the person who’s afflicted.

  6. Keep giving her meds and keep her talking! She has gotten to be very entertaining. I don’t like laughing at people with dementia, and I don’t, but with Nancy and her liberal buddies, they won’t step in to get her off the stage. So, let her keep talking, it’s sad in a funny way. BTW, if she owns a gun it should be taken away, she might accidentally shoot herself!

  7. !. The ‘minority’ Dems are hoping she’ll fuck up so badly that they’ll never appoint a ‘white’ anything to that position again.

    2. She’s made some sort of threats to key people so that they wouldn’t dare oppose her or take a run at her position.

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