YouTube’s New Moderators “Mistakenly” Pull Right-Wing Channels – IOTW Report

YouTube’s New Moderators “Mistakenly” Pull Right-Wing Channels

GELLER REPORT: New moderators hired by YouTube who were supposed to remove fake news from the social media site instead took down videos from conservative voices who were speaking about gun control.

The Google division had announced a few months ago it was going to hire an additional 10,000 people as moderators.

But these moderators stepped into outright censorship territory when they responded to the Parkland, Florida, shooting of 17 school students and staffers by taking down videos that suggested cooler head approaches to gun control, and that spoke of constitutional rights.

From Bloomberg:

YouTube’s new moderators, brought in to spot fake, misleading and extreme videos, stumbled in one of their first major tests, mistakenly removing some clips and channels in the midst of a nationwide debate on gun control.

The Google division said in December it would assign more than 10,000 people to moderate content after a year of scandals over fake and inappropriate content on the world’s largest video site.

In the wake of the Feb. 14 school shooting in Parkland, Florida, some YouTube moderators mistakenly removed several videos and some channels from right-wing, pro-gun video producers and outlets.

Some YouTube channels recently complained about their accounts being pulled entirely. On Wednesday, the Outline highlighted accounts, including Titus Frost, that were banned from the video site. Frost tweeted on Wednesday that a survivor of the shooting, David Hogg, is an actor. Jerome Corsi of right-wing conspiracy website Infowars said on Tuesday that YouTube had taken down one of his videos and disabled his live stream.

Shutting entire channels would have marked a sweeping policy change for YouTube, which typically only removes channels in extreme circumstances and focuses most disciplinary action on specific videos. But YouTube said some content was taken down by mistake. The site didn’t address specific cases and it’s unclear if it meant to take action on the accounts of Frost and Corsi.  MORE HERE

11 Comments on YouTube’s New Moderators “Mistakenly” Pull Right-Wing Channels

  1. 10,000 “moderators”? Let’s see, how can we impose censorship against conservative points of view without being outwardly bigoted? I know, we’ll continuously blame it on one of our 10,000 “moderators”!!

  2. “I made a mistake. I should’ve had two accounts, one for personal and one for office.”–Hillary Clinton.

    We madee some mistakes; some people didn’t use good judgment.”–Lois Lerner

  3. Unlike Obama, Susan Rice, V. Jarret, Rhodes, Hillary, Samantha Power, Comey, Lynch, Holder, Clapper and the rest of Obama’s appointees,
    Youtube made a mistake.

  4. Why the hell is there such a monopoly when it comes to online videos? I despise Goolag and YT, but so far the only alternatives I can find (bitchute, dtube, LiveLeak) are either slow, short on content or both. And I don’t want to see the alternative pitch itself as being ‘for the Right’. Just need a good alternative that’s not run by Pajama Boys. Who wouldn’t love to tell YT to GFY?

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