FBI Interviewed Huma Abedin About Clinton Emails Even After Investigation Was Closed – IOTW Report

FBI Interviewed Huma Abedin About Clinton Emails Even After Investigation Was Closed



FBI agents interviewed Hillary Clinton aide Huma Abedin in December 2016, more than a month after the official close of the Clinton email probe and much more recently than previously believed.

The Washington Post reports that agents were interested in how Abedin and Clinton emails wound up on a laptop used by Abedin’s husband, Anthony Weiner.

The FBI discovered Abedin and Clinton emails on the laptop while conducting an investigation into Weiner’s contact with an underaged girl in September 2016. The Clinton email probe, which had been closed in July 2016, was reopened on Oct. 28. It was closed again on Nov. 6, two days before the election, after FBI officials determined that none of the emails on the laptop would warrant criminal charges.

Agents considered their investigation complete but they wanted to find out whether Abedin should have disclosed the laptop emails sooner, according to The Post. She was considered a witness in the initial investigation, rather than a target. That didn’t change after the interview, which was conducted around Christmas 2016, as investigators found no reason to charge the longtime Clinton aide.

An interview with Abedin was hinted at in text messages exchanged between former FBI counterintelligence official Peter Strzok and FBI lawyer Lisa Page.

As The Daily Caller News Foundation first reported in February, Strzok told Page on Dec. 13, 2016, about a conversation he had with the Department of Justice about an interview with Abedin.

“Told them we had to interview, no immunity,” he wrote.  MORE HERE

12 Comments on FBI Interviewed Huma Abedin About Clinton Emails Even After Investigation Was Closed

  1. Another fricking investigation!! What will it take for a damn prosecution. There is enough evidence to send these traitors to hell for 10 lifetimes, and we are still talking about investigations.

    What’s next! What’s Next! WHATS NEXT!! OK Bob, it would be great for a one time appearance.

  2. Yeah sure, the FBI performed an impartial, professional investigation “by the Book”.

    As reflected by the evidence, the FBI and the DOJ were complicit in the attempts to cover-up lies, destruction of evidence, withholding evidence, infraction of rules, policies, laws, corruption and national security breaches of secret and top secret information.

    Those who were involved at the DOJ and FBI have either retired, been reassigned or demoted. Not one has been prosecuted for their criminal actions. And not one Clinton staffer or Hillary have been indicted or prosecuted, but many received immunity from prosecution.

    Through corruption in the DOJ and FBI the establishment elite are exempt from the laws of the US.

    The DOJ and FBI is rife with corruption, are an embarrassment to the law and a mere shadow of what they are to be.

    Where’s deputy dog Sessions?
    They are his agencies to oversee and lead.
    What has he done to correct this corruption?

    To say Sessions is a horrendous disappointment is an understatement.

  3. “Interviewed” Dec 2016? Is that what we’re calling a fixer now? More like a clean up crew to tighten up any loose ends that weren’t disposed of in the sham Clinton email ‘investigation’.

    Per her atty, she’s a private citizen now & should be allowed to live her life in peace. I have no problem with that. Treat her like the rest of us proles. She’ll be doing 20 to life in an 6 x 8.

  4. More proof – as if more were needed! – That conservatives should have shut down the FBI in ’01 and fired them all! The FBI, IRS, and CIA all need to be eliminated! None work for Americans

  5. Another note Joe-wants-another-6-pack,
    Any day now Eric the commie Holder will
    be arrested and charged with treason.Yes
    I am holding my breath…

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