Catherine Herridge: Nunes Asks Sessions To Open Criminal Probe Into ObamaGate – IOTW Report

Catherine Herridge: Nunes Asks Sessions To Open Criminal Probe Into ObamaGate

Citizen Free Press:

FBI may have violated criminal statutes in FISA application

The FBI may have violated criminal statutes, as well as its own strict internal procedures, by using unverified information during the 2016 election to obtain a surveillance warrant on onetime Trump campaign aide Carter Page, the chairman of the House Intelligence Committee charged Thursday in a letter obtained by Fox News.

House Intelligence Committee (HPSCI) Chairman Devin Nunes, R-Calif., wrote in his letter to Attorney General Jeff Sessions that “in this instance, it’s clear that basic operating guidance was violated.”

Nunes cited the Domestic Investigations and Operations Guide (DIOG), which was created by the bureau and approved by the Justice Department, to say he believed the FBI violated procedures requiring verified and documented evidence in applications to the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court. READ MORE

15 Comments on Catherine Herridge: Nunes Asks Sessions To Open Criminal Probe Into ObamaGate

  1. Ask my homesick ass! DEMAND A PROSECUTION!! This is getting ridiculous. Are we a nation of laws, or are we a nation of obstructionists? We need to figure this out so I know what to do next.

  2. We have got to stop investigating and start prosecuting! How fucking much evidence do you need to make a case? I guarantee you, my 7th grade grandson could get a conviction with the evidence available. This government of ours stinks like a hogs ass!

  3. Corruption, treason, telling the people a truth… who cares? Well, I’ll admit, that last one should get you robbed to death… but not prosecuted.

    So, I’ll help you whiny proles out: “Hey, El Jeffy! You know why they conspired outside the office? I heard a rumor that it was so they could plot over doobies! That’s right! Choom. Mary Jane. Reefers! Now, go git ’em!”

    You’re welcome.

  4. Someone needs to open an investigation on ALL the investigations over the last few years. Then about 203-492 people to tweet, write articles, and publish Facebook memes about the investigation to stir up everyone. Then parts of the investigation are leaked and tweeted/written/published to start a fire under someone’s butt. Then silence. Everyone went on vacation and left everything on theirs desks where they had left them. When they get back from vacation, the gather everything together and store it in a big box that they put in that warehouse right next to the Ark of the Covenant, which is next to the big box with our Constitution.


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