” I’m not in politics. I am an entertainer.” – IOTW Report

” I’m not in politics. I am an entertainer.”

Truth Revolt: On Nightline Thursday, correspondent David Wright gave it his left-wing best, prodding iconic singer and actress Dolly Parton to finger President Donald Trump as the poster boy for modern sexual oppression.


Speaking to Parton about her 1980 hit film 9 to 5, in which three office workers unite against a terrible boss, the reporter played a clip from the film, during which the singer’s co-star — ultra-leftist “Hanoi Jane” Fonda — calls their boss a “sexist, egotistical, lying, hypocritical bigot.” Shamefully, Wright then asked:

“The sexist, egotistical, lying, hypocritical portrayed so effectively in that movie by actor Dabney Coleman hasn’t exactly disappeared from the culture. We have a president of the United States who said the things on that bus.”

Unbelievable. In 2005, real estate mogul Donald Trump was recorded — unknown to him — remarking to Access Hollywood’s Billy Bush about the willingness of some women to engage sexually with the rich and famous. How in the world does that constitute sexism, egotism, lying, hypocrisy, or bigotry? Literally none of those words apply.

Of course, there is one politician above all others around whom sexual abuse claims have swarmed for years: Bill Clinton. Curiously, the media have never been keen on labeling him a sexual predator. As for Trump, Parton — who also starred in the very un-PC Best Little Whorehouse in Texas — brick-walled the conversation, exhibiting wisdom and grace sorely missing from contemporary entertainment:  MORE HERE

13 Comments on ” I’m not in politics. I am an entertainer.”

  1. Some entertainers are actually smart enough to realize taking positions in politics is going to immediately alienate half their potential audience. It makes no sense for business minded people to purposely do that. Michael Jordon got it – everyone wears shoes/sneakers, they won’t wear yours if you alienate them.

  2. Dolly said the same thing on FOX a few weeks ago. She also said she was blindsided by Fonda and Tomlin when they knocked the President.

    She is all class. She does a lot of good through her reading program as well.

  3. Dolly Parton is a traditional blue dog Democrat. She doesn’t go over the top like all the rest of them do but you’ll probably see her supporting Phil Bredesen to go after Corker’s seat in the Senate this next year.

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